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I suddenly wake up and look around. As soon as i start to move my head, things look different and there's an immediate pounding through my skull.
It looks like things are lagging but they aren't. My eyes keep moving crossed on their own.

I suddenly realize what happened and that i'm possibly still alive.

Why would Mr. Afton do that to me?!

What did i do to him?

I start to move and try to stand up but before i can do anything i'm stopped by someone talking quite close by.


Someone was screaming at Afton, i'm assuming.

I decide to stay right where i am to not cause attention to myself and see what happens.

Plus, i can barley walk from what i can tell.

"Henry, Please calm down." i heard his awful voice say.

"Calm down?! three kids went missing at our restaurant, and your telling me to fucking calm down?!"

"Henry your acting like this is my fault!"

"William.. God William! Why are you not reacting the same way?! Three kids are missing! And if anything if we don't do anything it could be one of our kids."

The yelling paused for a moment and i heard Henry again.

"William where are you going?!" he yelled.

I suddenly heard footsteps coming closer and closer, followed by another pair of shoes behind them.

I try to look around but it's quite hard to move my head again.

i flick my eyes down but to my surprise it's not me i see below.

i see an animatronic suit.

Golden brown ish fur with holes in certain places.
this looks too familiar.

i'm very aware now of what is around me

Am i in the suit?

i lift up my arm and try to open the suit, Noah showed me how one time so that's how i know.

I reach for the rusty clasp on the side of my torso and find it quite hard to open. i find myself questioning how i even really got in here.

I get the clasp open and the top slowly opens.
i look down and see my own body. Mangled and bleeding like a cut. I see more cuts on my body then i can remember william giving me, and i notice the bloody wires next to my body. They must have cut me.

I'm bleeding more then i thought i would be.
Am i really alive?

I lift my arms to my face and lift the animatronic head off me. I unlatch my legs from the suit, very painfully because of the wires, and i stand up with the energy i have.

blood trickles down my head and my eyes blur from it seeping into my eyes.
i notice a small mirror on the opposite side of the dark room and i stumble over to it.
in the dim light i can see my own face, bruised and my head bleeding. Blood seeping down my forehead and my bangs covering it. My black messy hair hanging over my face and shoulders.
i look into my own eyes, now a yellow color and not brown, with a light red hue from a side angle. Scary. I'm even scaring myself, Now that's unusual.
I start to think of what Afton did. Who else did he kill..?

No better way then to find out myself.

i get up uneasily and get myself to the door. i open it and walk out to loud arcade machines, but nobody present except william and henry's screaming voices. i start to walk a bit more normally, adjusting to how my body is feeling.

I see Henry and William In a mix of arcade machines and tools sprawled out on the floor. Suddenly, the front doors open. Two familiar faces appear before me. Evan and Gregory. Evan stares right through me, But Gregory doesn't.

"Holy shit..."

"what?" Evan said

"Gregory please don't curse." William said without looking up from working on a machine.

Gregory stared me down and evan looked the same direction confused.

"Cassidy?" Gregory whispered.

"g-gregory what are you talking about..? there's nobody there."

"What?" he says

"You don't see her?" he says.

"i'm n-not doing this right now i don't wanna think about it."

I walk closer to Gregory and he stays in place.

"What's going on?" i say quietly to him. His first response is not a response to my question.

"A-are you dead or alive?"

Was not expecting that.

"I-i don't know." i say.

"Gregory, come over here and help." Afton said to him.

"No." i say and walk over to him and slam his head down into the arcade machine. i look down at my hand in surprise that i can touch him.

He quickly turns around yelling confused and unsure of what happened.

"Who the fuck did that?!" he screams

I'm suddenly very mad.

i don't blame myself. He's so rude to his friends and family, and he's also a murderer.

It's painful look the man in the face. i start crying realizing this is completely real, and i'm just an unknowing force to everyone except Gregory.

But how can Gregory see me?

suddenly i hear my name from across the restaurant.


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