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It was 8:00 in the morning...no body was on the university campus..i walked through the empty campus ground...
It was beautiful....

Hi~~, my name is yoon jeonghan...iam a transfer student in this university. it's my first day here. I am scared, nervous, and excited... but i guess I am too early
He sat on the beach tht was near and scrolled on his phone and waited for someone to arrive but there was no sign of anybody coming so he decided to walk around the university campus while he was looking around he saw a strange room around the corner it was at the back of the building out of curiosity jeonghan decided to check wht is inside he was about to open the door suddenly a voice from behind stoped him...

??: what are you doing here

The voice was so deep and scary jeonghan turned around and saw a man who was about the same age as him he was tall and handsome he looked intimidating Jeonghan was startled by the sudden appearance of a man he tried to stay calm...

Jeonghan: Hi...iam Jeonghan, I am actually new here...i was just che

??: no one is allowed to come here (the man said cutting off jeonghans words)
So leave....NOW..

he sounded so scary. Jeonghan couldn't say anything he just walked away and left the place

Jeonghan: huh!!..(scoff) who does he think he is does he own this place or something (he was soo annoyed) such an asshole why was he soo mean (he muttered to him self and walked towards the front of the campus)

Now the students have slowly started to arrive. The empty ground is now filled with students...he continued walking and stopped when he hear loud noice of bike he turned around to see a guy on bike eveyone was looking at him seems like he is popular the guy then came soo fast with his bike in jeonghans direction. the bike almost hit jeonghan, and he falls on the ground .he stopped the bike and looked at jeongh. Who was on the floor

??:Hey, watch out..(he said smirking at jeonghan)

Jeonghan looked up at him hissing in pain.he scratched his knees on the ground, and it was bleeding

The guy on the bike took his helmet off and looked at him...he didn't have asian features he looked more caucasian
He looked at jeonghans eyes with no pityy and said

??: ohhh...so u do have eyes... I thought you were blind..u should put that eye to work ( he said laughing the crowd that was there laughed along


suddenly a voice from behind echoed..everyone in the crowd stopped laughing and looked at the man in the crowd he came forward to jeonghan who was still on the ground and helped him get up he looked so cute and pretty...

Hey are you okey...he picked up jeonghan from the ground and asked him with his sweet voice

Jeonghan: yeahhh iam fine..

The cute guy then looks at hansol who was still on the bike he walks closer to him and look straight into his eyes he kept going closer to his face hansol leaned back

Hansol: what are u doing...

??: nothing..just checking if your eyes work or not...guess it works and u still didn't see him coming...ummm interesting...u should get your eyes checked first ( he said smirking to hansols face and walked away flipping his hair rolling his eyes he side eyed everyone in the crowd grabed jeonghans hand and walked away

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