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It's morning 9:00. Minhao was heading towords his department when he saw  beautiful small flowers under a small tree. He walked towords the flowers and sat down to take a closer look. It was small white flowers he plucked one.  It looked so cute. He was about to pluck the other one when someone from behind called his name, he startled when he heard a voice out of nowhere he looked at the person sitting next to him with a big smile. It was jun

Minhao: You scared me (he said glaring at him)

Jun: Did i scare you, sweetheart (he leaned closer)

Minhao: OMG...plss dont... I dont wanna start my day with you cheesy flirting (he said that and gave Jun a side eye then turned back to plucking flower)

Jun leaned towords minhaos shoulder. Him lips almost touching minhaos neck. Minhao felt the warmth of juns hot breath. Minhao turned his head to the side to stop jun when thier eyes met..they were soo close to each other thier nose almost touching..Minhao felt his heart beating faster for a moment he was stuck he didn't move he was lost in juns beautiful brown eyes...he came to his senses when thier nose touched he realised how close they where. Jun leaned closer and closer, his eyes moving down to minhaos lips. The sound of minhaos' heartbeat can be heard miles away. Jun tilted his head a little, and their lips almost touched when minhao pushed Jun to the ground and ran toword his department.
Minhao ran too fast he almost thought he was Usain bolt. He ran into his department and leaned toward a wall breathing heavily. His hand on his chest trying to take in all the air

Minhao: WHAT. THE. FUCK. JUST. HAPPENED (he couldn't believe he wished it was all a dream) (he put his hand on his forehead) nonononononooo.  OMG...did i just fall for MOON FUCKIN JUN HUI...no way.. (he put his hand on his chest looking around if anyone was there but thankfully nobody was there everyone one was already in class) (he took out a small mirror from his pocket and looked at him) why the fuck am i blushing....XU MINHAO..come to your fuckin senses (he said slapping his cheeks) (he took a few deep breath. Adjusted his sleeves and collar, and he walked toword his classroom like nothing happened.

He entered the classroom. Professor had already started the lecture. He sat next to seungkwan who was sleeping. The class just started and he is already sleeping. He woke up when he heard minhaos bag thud on the table. Seungkwan looked at minhao

Seungkwan: why are you late (he said looking half asleep)

Minhao: traffic....

Seungkwan: ummm..(he nodd his head and went back to sleeping)

Few mins later seungkwan was still sleeping looks like he didn't sleep yesterday doing his model. Minhao on the other hand is zoned out and day dreaming about what happened before he cant move on from the fact that he almost kissed moon junhui the playboy who he hate. But what he was more concerned was how his heart was beating and how he blushed....

Meanwhile at the boys room jun ran to the room all excited...as he was expecting everyone single one of them is there in the roon he knew they weren't gonna attent the class. He sat on the couch with everyone else

Seungcheol: junah..why do you look so excited

Jun: (jun gave them a playful smile ) guess what happened

Hansol: what happened

Jun: i almost kissed minhao...it was sooo close...but he pushed me and ran away (he said pissed)

Seokmin: what did you expect jun hyung...you may get every girls and boys in this university but minhao i don't think he will ever let you kiss or even hug not even to touch him (he said laughing)

Jun: really...then iam going to do everything you said to him...there is no one who doesn't fall for me...he is just playing hard to get...how long is he gonna pretend..(he said a dirty smile formed on his lips)

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