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Seungkwan: Then what are you..(squint his eyes)

Chan: My name is Lee Chan...iam, your classmate (he has a warm smile he looked so gentle)

Seungkwan: But why are you following me

Chan: i was just making sure you are safe

Seungkwan: From what

Chan didn't say anything he scratched his neck and looked down in embarrassment

Seungkwan: You don't have to worry about me mr lee chan. I'll save myself. You can leave

Chan: Okay..(he didn't leave)

Seungkwan: Why are you not leaving...(he waited for him to leave ) okeyy then I'll leave..(he turned around and walked a few steps, then stopped and looked back at chan) dont follow me again..(he said with a cute frown..)

Later that day Seungkwan and minhao were in their class..professor lecturing...students sleeping...Seungkwan looked for the classmate he saw earlier at the ground...he searched for that familiar face among students...

Minhao: Who are you searching

Seungkwan: No one..(trying to act normal)

A few mins later, seungkwan finally saw chan, who was sitting a few tables apart..
Chan was sitting next to the window. The sunlight passing through the window made his face glow he was shining...Seungkwan admired his beauty...he was so focused on admiring his beauty that he didn't realise chan was looking at him  confused...Seungkwan came to his senses and saw lee chan raising his eyebrows in question...he quickly sat straight in his chair and acted busy. His cheeks turned pink in embarrassment. Cuteness overflowed...chan chuckled at his cuteness

Class ended, and everyone returned back to thier home's..Jeonghan reached his building... His room was on the rooftop. When he reached he realised all his stuff and belongings were out and his house was locked from outside with a notice...he was confused he didn't know what to do...Jeonghan didn't pay last month rent. But the already talked with the owner and decided on paying two months rent at ones but what happened suddenly...he ran towords the owners apartment he lived two floors down the same building..Jeonghan ran toword his apartment and saw a lady cleaning the apartment was empty she there were no furnitures..Jeonghan just stayed there confused and breathing heavily...the lady saw him and came to him

Lady: What happened.. Do you want something

Jeonghan: Where did Mr. Kim go

Lady: ohh he moved away. You didn't know.

Jeonghan: No..why

Lady: he sold this building to someone

Jeonghan: What..(he didn't understand anything, she said... moved away? Sold? But why...)

Lady: Are you okay..(she tapped on jeonghans shoulder...)

Jeonghan: Yeah..(he was not okey) thankyou (he left)

Jeonghan didn't know what to do... where to go even what was going on...he took his phone and called the owner...

Jeonghan: Hello, Mr. Kim

Kim: Hello..who is this

Jeonghan: It's me, Jeonghan

Kim: ahhh, Jeonghan..

Jeonghan: mr kim whats going on? Why did you leave...

Kim: it all happened fast.. I had to sell the building...the new owner paid much more money than the building actually worth so...it was a good idea to sell

Jeonghan: bu... but what about me... I already told you I'll pay the rent next month, Mr. kim

Kim: i know..but i am not the owner anymore so i can't do anything..if you want you can talk to the new owner he said he was going to check on the building he will be there in any mins

Jeonghan: ummm...

Kim: Okay, then bye... have some work (he hung up)

Jeonghan had nowhere to go...he decided to talk to the new owner... he waited outside the building for the owner to arrive

Meanwhile, at soonyoungs apartment:

Soonyoung is playing game on his tv sitting on his couch...suddenly he heard someone knocking on the door...he ignored and continued playing game...then that someone ringed the bell...Soonyoung ignored again and continued gaming...the bell rang again and again and again...finally soonyoung stood up.from the couch and walked towards the door aggressively...opening the door with extra aggressiveness...he looked around and saw no one when a small hand waved from below

Eunchae: here...(she raised her hand up and waved)

Soonyoung: (he looked down at the small girl) you...(frowned) Why are you here now..

Eunchae: i came to give you this...(she had something in her hand)

Soonyoung: What is that (he looked at her with no emotion)

Eunchae: food...mom made it... she asked me to give you..(she blinked her eyes)

Soonyoung: iam good..i don't need your moms food...tell her i can make my own food...and your dad to mind his own business (he shut the door on her she flinched)

Soonyoung walked towords his couch

Soonyoung: huh!! Food..(he rolled his eyes)

Meanwhile at the same time Jeonghan was sitting on the stairs and waiting for the new owner to come...it looks like its about rain any movement...he saw a black porsche approaching...Jeonghan stood up from where he was sitting. He saw a man get down from the car he didn't see the face.. he waited patiently. That guy was wearing a black suit Jeonghan couldn't see his face he was a little far ams it was dark but he could feel his rich luxurious aura..the man finally turned around the streetlight beem touched his face Jeonghan finally saw the man....his eyes widened in shock he wasn't expecting this...it was seungcheol


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