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Jisoo called out his voice soo deep seungkwan flinched eveyone around goes silent when jisoos voice echoed..jisoo walked towards them his eyes were red he is fuming with anger he knows how hard seungkwan worked on that model he looked like he was gonna kill someone. he walked straight towords them... seokmin came front and stopped him

Seokmin: wha (before he could even complete his words jisoo grabbed his collar by one hand and landed a strong punch on seokmins face with his other hand...the punch was so strong that seokmin fell back his butt down on the floor because of the force)

Hansol was shocked for a second when he finally came to senses

Hansol: wht the (he was about to punch jisoo when seungkwan came fly kicking he then was on the ground seungkwan get on top of him and started punching his face non stop he took out all his frustrations and anger screaming and punching if it was not for jisoo stopping him hansol would be dead by now..jisoo and seungkwan left hansol has still not come to his senses when he finally came to his senses he saw everyone staring at him and whispering...hansol fell humiliated and embarrassed he clenched his fist stood up from the ground and walked away fiercely.   seokmin and soonyoung followed him)

At the architecture department

Jeonghan: What happened? (He came running to the room with jihoon, minhao, and wonwoo)

Jisoo explained everything that happened earlier.. Jeonghan walked towords seungkwan and placed his hand on his shoulder side hugging him

Jeonghan: its okey seungkwanie...(he tried to comfort him, and seungkwan leaned closer to a hug and sobbed)

Jihoon: sooo... you guys punched them...

Jisoo: Yeah..

Wonwoo: Like... How bad

Jisoo: till they bled

Minhao: Oh, ooowww..(he was happy ) That's great

Jihoon: yeahh they deserve that

Jisoo: i know they doo but seungkwanaa, u should be careful from now on. i dont think hansol that mf is going to let this side he is gonna take revenge

Jeonghan: Exactly he will and jisoo you too should be careful

Wonwoo: But hyung, why did u punch seokmin? i dont think he was a part of this

Jihoon: Yeah, he never caused any trouble before to us and to anyone

Jisoo: ohh comeon iam sure he was part, too. They are friends, of course he is just like them he is just better hiding his bad self they are all the same (he said, looking angry)

Meanwhile, in the private room, hansol is walking back and forth. He looks angry, and he's murmuring something he looked soo pissed. Suddenly he stopped walking and  looked at soonyoung who was on the couch eyes fixed on the phone. hansol rolled his eyes and shouted

Hansol: HYUNG~~

soonyoung then lift his head up to look at hansol

Hansol: why didn't you do anything..you should have ripped thier dicks out why did you just stood there and watch

Soonyoung: because you deserved it...i mean iam not taking thier side but that model actually looked really good and seeing that iam sure he put a lot of work and effort to it soo i can imagine how angry is (he said that and continued scrolling)

Hansol: seungcheol hyung should have been there he would have taken my side

Soonyoung: (chuckled) hansolah..i am on you side but dont you think that what you did is a liiiitle too much

Hansol: noo..i dont...i dont think that way at all i think i should have done more and i will...i am going to make his life into hell ( he said walking out off the room in rage slamming the door..soonyoung shook his head in how the younger is actung like a brat )

Soonyoung: seokminah what are you doing ( he looked at seokmin who was infront of the mirror looking at his bleeding on his face he didn't hear soonyoung calling him )

Soonyoung: seokminah...seokmin..?YAA LEE SEOKMIN

Seokmin flinched

Seokmin: w..whatt...( he asked turning around)

Soonyoung:.did you go deaf because the punch...are you okey...do you feel dizzy

Seokmin: iam okey hyung ( he turned around again to look in the mirror..he touched his bleeding lips )

Seokmin: he is soo strong i like that...(he said to him self and a shy smile formed on his face he lick the blood on the side of the lips and let out a small chuckle)

Hansol came out of the room and started walking to his bike to go home but he could feel everyone around him staring at him he gave everyone a death glare and continued walking until someone from behind tapped on his shoulder

Hansol: WHATTTT..(he turned around aggressively)

Jun: yooo bro chill its us...

Seungcheol: what happened to you face (he asked coming forward and grabing his face to take a closer look)

Mingyu: you are bleeding

(Hansol pushed Seungcheols hand from his face)

Hansol: never mind (he then turn around to walk )

Seungcheol grabbed his shoulder and forcefully turned him arrow)

Seungcheol:  Who did this to you (his eyebrows crunching in anger he asked )

Hansol: its fine iam okey ( he said without making eye contact)

Seungcheol: IT IS NOTT OKEY..tell me what happend chwe hansol

Hansol tells him what happend after hearing what happened  Seungcheol was ready for a fight..he turned around to go find them and do the same thing to them when hansol stopped him

Hansol: hyung i could do it too if i want i can go right now and fuckking rip him apart but i not doing it cause this is not gonna end like this i want him to suffer i wanna make it painfull (he said his eyes turning red)

At architecture department

Seungkwan and minhao was in the class the class was going on seungkwan had his head resting on the table on his hand he was tired and exhausted from whatever happened an hour ago the class ended everyone started leaving for a break minhao didn't want to disturb seungkwan who was sleeping cause he know seungkwan is tired so he let his sleep more and left to meet his other friends....few mins later seungkwan woke up from the sleep the class was empty he sit straight on the chair stretching he them notice the strawberry milk and cupcake on his table with a note on it he was thirsty so he opend the strawberry milk and drank he then took the note and started reading it...it said

Its okey...

Seungkwan knew what it was about he knew it wasn't from any of his friends cause he knew the handwriting was different he was curious to know who it is...he just smiled and started eating the cupcake...someone from behind looked at him and let out a small smile he found seungkwans confused face adorable then he left...

Seungkwan:  who is this person (He was curious to know )


GUYS...how is it so far......i know its kinda boring but i promise its gonna get better😌🩷💎

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