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Later that day, everyone left to their home..Jeonghan had to go to the cafe he worked...

jisoo lived with his grandmother his parents are divorced he never saw his dad, so he don't even know how he looked like. His mother left him with his grandmother when he was 14 and never came back his grandma owned a guest house, so now it's just him and his grandma that he loves more than anymore in this whole world...

Seungkwan is from a middle class family he live with his parents and his younger sister he has the perfect family according to his friends and he agree to it too his parents are lovely alway support him and just is there for him alway...

Jihoon is from busan he came to seoul for his collage his parents lived in busan so he live in an apartment shared with minhao...minhao is a chineese korean his parents currently live in china so he decided to live with jihoon

Unlike others wonwoo comes from a rich family his father is a buisness man one of the best in the country...but unlike other rich students in the university he never brag or show off his wealth he never miss used his power even his friends were shocked when they found out he was from a rich family. He was hiding it from them, but they found out about it somehow

It is now 8:30 at night, seungcheol hansol, and jun were on their way to a club when they see a familiar face in a cafe

Seungcheol: look who this is (he said with a smirky grin on his face ) guys...we go to night club mostly everyday its kinda getting boring lets change our plans (he looked at the guy through the glass door the guy inside was unaware of the guys out side )

Hansol looked at where seungcheol was looking, and now he understood what he was saying. A smirk formed on his face...jun was still confused, tho

Seungcheol push open the glass door and entering the cafe hansol and jun followed..jun finally understood what they were saying when he saw jeonghan inside...Jeonghan looked at the door when he heard loud noice of someone entering..his eyes widened when he saw seungcheol he was picking up the empty cup from the table he took the cup and head in side...seungcheol hansol and jun walked towords the counter and ordered their drink and sat on an empty table

Jun: Where did he go

Seungcheol: must be hiding inside

A few mins later, jeonghan approached their table with the drinks on the traw he walked slowly towords them....they were staring at jeonghan he finally reached and placed the tray on the table

Seungcheol: Hey.. how you doin' (he asked, lifting his left eyebrow up)

Jeonghan:(looking down), please don't cause any scene here, i beg...

Jun: Get me some water then

(Jeonghan turned around to take water, suddenly loud sound of glass shattering echoed Jeonghan flinched he turned around  and gasped by the drinks on the floor)

Seungcheol: oopsss...my bad (he looked at jeonghan ) what are you looking at aren't you gonna clean this mess

Jeonghan nodded and left and then came back with a mop and a tray he bent down and started picking the broken glass pieces. His fingers cut on pies of glass and started bleeding

Jeonghan: oww..(helooked at the bleeding)

Seungcheol: ayy, careful...dont cut yourself (he said, looking down at jeonghan)

Jeonghan looked up his eye, tearing he had been going through a lot already, and now them... they were making it worse... a tear rolled down his eye

Seungcheol: Look at you... Why do you always cry..(he leaned towords jeonghan thier faces inches apart) big boys dont cry (he said a teasing grin formed on his face)

Jeonghan looked down and continued picking up the broken pieces his finger bleeding he still continued  Seungcheol vernon and jun stood up thier seat and walked out..everyone in the cafe was gone it was now just jeonghan...he completely sat on the floor tears falling down non stop he wanna scream and let his frustrations out but he cant to him he is a pathetic coward who cant even stand for himself

Meanwhile, at soonyoungs, House

Soonyoungs mom passed away a year ago she was a cancer patient. He is not close with his father he didn't really like him. He never was there for him. Growing up, he never saw his father. he was always on business trips he rarely came home..soonyoung always wondered why he was never there for him when he needed him. His friends' fathers would come to school to pick them . Go on picnic or hiking on weekends. But his mom was always there for him. He loved his mom so much..she was his only family. He never considered his father as his family because families are there for each other  when his mother passed away his dad didn't come to visit her not even on her funeral..That pissed his the most he is her husband maybe he never loved her its been a year now after his mothers death...soonyoung got off the lift and walked to his apartment when he saw 2 people standing in front of his apartment he did see thier face

Soonyoung: may i help you? (he asked, tilting his head a bit to see who they are.. the couple turned around...his eye widened he was stuck didn't move he was shocked...that familiar face was his father...

Mr.kwon: soo..soonyoungaaaa...(his eyes teared up, and he came forward to hug soonyoung)

Soonyoung: (he pushed his off) dont. Touch. Me  (he said glaring at him..his eyes filled with anger he looked at the lady next to his father she looked shocked by the sudden action of soonyoung she pulled the young girl who looked like she was 10 years old closer...seeing them soonyoung chuckled...he laughed sarcasm filled his laughter..his eyes were red and tearing he looked at his father in disbelief)

Mr.kwan: soonyoungah listen to me..

Soonyoung: (he held his hand up stoping his father) noo...i understand...you may leave...(he looked down, controlling his tears, and his face looked angry, but he couldn't hold his tears)

Mrs kwan: iam not here to leave soonyoung..iam here for you iam your father

Soonyoung: woaahhh....(he couldn't believe his ears) since when..since when did you see me as your son..

His father looked down

Soonyoung: fine dont leave...stay here...I'll leave..(he left his heart broke into pieces...he never thought his father would comeback with another women and a child..he got on his bike and riding it on high speed his mind was completely on what happened earlier. The road was empty not many people were on the road or around he speeded..but suddenly a guy with a chicken delivering scooter appeared on the road soonyoung finally came to his senses and suddenly catching the break his bike falls to the side...thankfully nothing happened to the guy on the scooter...the guy on the scooter came running to him...

??: omg...are you okay...(he came running lifting soonyoung from the road)

Soonyoung: ye..eahh..awwhh~...iam fine..are you okey (he looked at the guy on the side lifting him)...JIHOON??


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