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Jeonghan was standing near the engineering department alone, waiting for jisoo.. a little far from him is hansol seungcheol and mingyu...Jeonghan didn't see them...

Seungcheol: Why is he standing there

Hansol: How will i know..

Seungcheol: Should i just go there and make his cry again ( he said laughing)

Mingyu: Why not (chuckled)

Seungcheol walked towords jeonghan who was waiting for jisoo. Mingyu and hansol followed him. Jeonghan saw them walking towards him, but he pretended like he didn't see them

Seungcheol: What are you doing here

Jeonghan didn't answer

Seungcheol: (scoff) (he looked at jeonghan), did you forget how to speak

Jeonghan: (he took a deep breath...looked down) Please leave me alone

Seungcheol: No. I won't... I'm going to continue until i get bored (he gave jeonghan a weird teasing smile)

Jeonghan was about to leave when seungcheol grabbed his arm and pulled him. He pushed him towords the wall. Jeonghans eye widened by the sudden action

Jeonghan: wha..what are you doing.. doing

Seungcheol: awwww...are you shuttering (he leaned closer)

Jeonghan: Move...(he tried to push Seungcheol but before he could do that Seungcheol grabbed Jeonghans both hand with his one hand and pined it up on the wall..and with the other hand he grabed jeonghans neck...Jeonghan felt helpless he couldn't do anything...Seungcheol kept staring at him...Jeonghan turned his head to the side to avoid eye contact

Jeonghan: Leave me, or i will...

Seungcheol: You will what..(he asked, removing his hand from jeonghans neck and grabbing jeonghan face to turn it to face him)

Jeonghan tried to resist and tried to get out of Seungcheols hold but failed Seungcheols grip on his hands were strong his hands were starting to hurt

Jeonghan: (he felt so little. Thankfully, there was no one around except mingyu and hansol...he controlled his tears. He didn't know why recently he is very sensitive even small things make him cry...its almost like he can't control his emotions his tears. He wasn't like this before even when he had way bigger issues he stayed strong and never let a tear out...maybe his tears had enough of hiding...and right now jeonghan had enough he pulled up all his courage and said) Seungcheol..just because you are rich wealthy and famous doesn't mean you can have eveything and do anything

Seungcheol: I can actually...i can do everything with money..no one is brave enough to stop me...i can do everything with money i can buy everything with money...money is everything...if i want to i can buy you with money as well (he said moving his fingers towards jeonghans lips and brushed his lower lips slowly with his thumb...thats when he actually noticed how pretty jeonghan is...he stared at jeonghans beautiful pink lips)

Jeonghan: You can't buy me... maybe you can buy everything in this world with your filthy money.. but can NEVER buy me seungcheol ( he said glaring at seungcheol. His eyes looked angry. It wasn't a fragile teary eyes as always)

Seungcheol: Really? You think so (he said without taking his eyes off jeonghans lips)

Suddenly, a half empty plastic bottle came flying and landed on seungcheols shoulder)

Wonwoo: Stay away from him, you ugly duck

Mingyu: You..(before he could finish)

Wonwoo: You shut up ( glaring at him)

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