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Jeonghan was shocked he was frustrated by the words he just heard from the guy he could feel everyone in the cafeteria staring at him his eyes started tearing he tried to hold it in but a single tear rolled down his cheek

Everyone behind seungcheol except seokmin was enjoying what Seungcheol was doing to jeonghan, but seokmin was disappointed and disgusted by what his friends are doing..he just shook his head in disappointment when seungcheol demanded jeonghan to lick his shoes

Seungcheol: Umm, come on, i dont have time make it fast

Jeonghan: I...iam..(tear rolling down his cheek, he tried to speak )

How about you lick it your self choi seungcheol ~

A voice from behind interrupted

Seungcheol: yaaa hong jisoo~ mind your own fucking buisness (he said with a scary look on his face)

Jisoo: i won't he is my friend i wont let you talk to him like that (he said firing back at him)

Seungcheol:  huhhh!~ (he scoff) look who is here to defend his friend...yaa jisoo (he walked closer to him) come on try stopping me (he said with a teasing smile on his face)

Jisoo: seungcheol.. touch my friends and i will change that shape of you face (he stepped closer to seungcheol)

Everyone in the cafeteria gasped at what was happening no one is brave enough to talk back to seungcheol. Others who is with seungcheol looked angry too except seokmin he tried to hide his smile from what he is witnessing he never saw anyone brave enough to stop seungcheol he was happy to see someone actually stopping him and talking back at him seokmin tried to hide his smile by biting his lower lips his cheeks getting bigger he looked down and shook his head he found jisoo cute

Seungcheol was also surprised by someone actually talking back at him which made him even angry

Seungcheol: Really, i wanna see it then (he stepped towards jeonghan, who was looking down. Seungcheol walked closer to jeonghan and grabbed his cheeks with one hand and lifted it up to make him face him ) what are you looking at u wimp

Jeonghan squint his eyes in pain seungcheol was holding tightly he then forcefully let go of his cheeks...jisoo clenched his jaw and was about to punch seungcheol when jeonghan stoped him by holding his hand. Jisoo stopped and looked at jeonghan in disbelief. When jeonghan shook his head, no..seungcheol smirked at jisoo and walked away with a mocking smile on his face

Jeonghan ran away from the cafeteria, holding his tears in he ran toword the wash room . The others followed behind him

Jeonghan washed his face with the cold water from the tap when jisoo, followed by others, opened the door forcefully

Jisoo: jeonghan, are you okay? (he asked, placing his hand on jeonghans shoulder)

Jeonghan nods his head as a reply

Minhao: hyung, you should have smacked his head with the tray

Jihoon: Why didn't you do anything hyung

Jeonghan:  i didn't wanna get in trouble on  the first day

Seungkwan: hyung i understand its your first day and you dont wanna cause trouble but you cant be like this what where you gonna do if jisoo hyung didn't stop him lick that mafuckers shoe? (he asked to which jeonghan locked down ) hyung what iam saying is you have to defend your self i know its your first time here and you are surprised by what just happened but if something like this happens in the future u have to defend your self otherwise they are gonna keep bullying you

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