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Soonyoung: JIHOON (his eyes widened)

Jihoon looked at the guy and realised who it was

Jihoon: soo..Soonyoung (he let go of his hand..Soonyoung falls on his knees )

Soonyoung: arhh~ (his knees and elbow were bleeding jihoon rolled his eyes and picked him again from the ground..he helped his to get to the footpath and sat him safely on the footpath and them pushed the bike off the road and parked it on the side...he then came back to Soonyoung)

Jihoon doesn't like Soonyoung and his friends he hate them, but Soonyoung was bleeding and looked like he need help

Jihoon:  You should be careful when you ride a bike

Soonyoung:  (chuckled) why...are you concerned about my health jihoon

Jihoon: ewww.. no ofcz not...out of all the people u...huhh~ (side eye), you could have killed me... I'm concerned about my health..(he rolled his eyes and sat next to him  with a little distance in between them)

Soonyoung: (he let out a small smile) Then why are you helping me... we are not on good terms...dont you hate me...

Jihoon: ofcz i hate you...but me and my friends are not inhumane as you and your stupid friends (he said looking serious but he was looking cute ) you are breeding (he said looking at soonyoungs wounds)

Soonyoung:  ohh this..(he looked at the bleeding) It's fine... It's not a big deal

Jihoon:  It's not like i care, but it can cause infection...and again, i dont care about you at all. I am doing this because I am a human too...(he looked around and saw  a pharmacy a few steps ahead. Jihoon stood up )

Jihoon: Wait, here I'll be back (he walked towards the pharmacy )

Jihoon came back after a few mins later  with a plastic bag. He sat next to him

Jihoon: show me you hand( he pulled his hand and took out a bottle of water and cleaned the wound then he applied  antibacterial ointment...while he was doing it he could feel soonyoungs staring at him ) can you stop staring at me look some where else (he said without taking his eyes of the wound still applyinthe ointment)

Soonyoung: yeahh sorry (he looked away)

Jihoon then secured the wound with bandages...

Jihoon: done...(he stood up)

Soonyoung: Thanks..(he said, looking at jihoon)

Jihoon. I dont need your thanks.. just dont pretend like we are close when you see me at university (he said walking toward his scooter)

Soonyoung chuckled and stood up from where he was sitting..he walked towords  his bike and tried to start it but i was not starting..it made some loud noise and stoped suddenly....jihoon who started his scooter and was now sitting on his scooter looked at soonyoung in disbelief

Jihoon: Now what are you going to do

Soonyoung: (he got off the bike ) i dont know, maybe wait for a taxi or bus to come..

Jihoon: a taxi at this hour at this place?...

Soonyoung: What am i gonna do then? ...guess I'll have to stay here till morning then (he said, glancing at jihoon and starting to look at Sky when he saw Jihoon looking )

Jihoon: yaaa fine..stay here till morning. That's your punishment for destroying the seungkwas model (he started his scooter and moved away, leaving a pouty soonyoung behind)

Soonyoung sat back on the footpath he took out his phone to check the time it was 12:00 he sighed..few mins later he was still waiting for a taxi..he then decided to call seokmin when he was taking out his phone he heard a scooter approaching...he smiled without looking at who is coming he knew who it was...

The scooter stopped in front of him...Soonyoung looked at the guy on the scooter..soonyoung didn't say anything he just smiled at him

Jihoon: Stop smiling like an idiot and get on the scooter if you want. I'll count till 5 if you dont get in, I am leaving.....1....2....3...

Soonyoung jumped up from where he was sitting and got on the scooter

Soonyoung: Let's go

Jihoon: Good (trying to hide his smile)

Jihoon and soonyoung reached the apartment building where soonyoung lived..Soonyoung got off the bike..he just stayed there looking at jihoon

Jihoon:  i told you to stop staring at me like that...I'll poke that eyes of your (he said pointing his two fingers at soonyoung) iam leaving (he said staring the scooter)

Soonyoung:  Wait...(he stopped jihoon..to which jihoon looked at him..) umm...thankyou..for....helping me...i mean i know you hate me but you still hel (jihoon cut him off and said)

Jihoon: First of all, i still hate you... and your friends...and again, do not pretend like anything happened tomorrow when you see me..(he said glaring at him)  (he started the scooter and moved a little and stopped again and looked at soonyoung, who was looking at jihoon leave and said )

Jihoon: and you...what were you doing with your bike are you out off your mind...be careful when you ride...its not because i care...i just dont want other people to hurt (he left after saying that...soonyoung smiled at his cuteness)

Next day morning

Seungkwan was walking to his department...the weather is great the sunlight kissing skin the birds singing the beautiful tree welcoming him...he trying his best to move on from the things that happened yesterday..he is working on making the model again now with the help of his friends...he continued walking but he could feel someone following him..he stopped walking and looked behind and saw no one he thought he was just hallucinating and just continued walking..but he could stilm fell like someone was fallowing him

Seungkwan:  strange  (he said and walked to his class)



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