0 || Life's a b*tch!

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Nadia Thompson slid down the walls of St.Mary's hospital pulling her knees to her chest burying her face into her knees crying hysterically. The nurse, Nurse Yosef and the few others on his team had been operating on Nadia's mother Angela Davis for the past two hours. She was just told that her that her mother didn't survive the surgery she under went and was pronounced dead.

Nadia pulled her phone out of her purse trying her best with steady hands to dial her older brother Dijon's number. She didn't have time to call him earlier when she had first gotten word of the incident because she was too busy fighting with the nurses to save her unconscious mother. Nadia and Dijon are half brother and sister, they have different fathers. They use to be close but once Dijon left for California to purse his career of becoming a producer they became distant, they didn't speak or see each other as much especially since he had became married and began to start his own family. He'd call once every two weeks to check up on her and their mother. He was there financially but not physically.

"Wassup baby sis? I ain't heard from you inna minute." Dijon spoke into the phone after answering it on the third ring. Once Nadia heard her brother's voice on the other end of the line she began to breakdown even more.

"Ay turn that down G!" Dijon yell over the loud music in the background to his close friend YG. "What's wrong? You straight momma straight?" Dijon began to bombard her with questions. Not too long ago he was just on the phone with their mother getting cursed out about him not coming to see them often. He planned on surprising them by coming to Dallas, Texas for a few days.

"Teddy she-she gone! Mommy gone." She cried into the phone calling Dijon by one of his many nicknames she had for him.

"What the fuck you mean she gone? What the fuck happened?!" He yelled with his anger rising. Angela was Dijon's world even though they didn't communicate as much as they should he loved that women with all his heart.

"Teddy she died in a car crash!" She yelled into the phone standing up from the hospital floor seeing as doctors were rushing someone down the hall on a stretcher. She began pacing the floor walking up and down the hospital hallway trying to contain her anger. Her emotions were getting the best of her they were everywhere she wanted to fight, she needed to hit something to let out her anger and frustration.

"What?" Dijon asked in disbelief. He quickly stood up from his seat in front of the soundboard cutting his session with YG short. "I'm on my way!" He yelled into the phone hanging up making his way up there stairs to him and his wife room to began packing. He couldn't think straight.

It was only two people outside of family that Nadia could talk to about anything, but at the moment it was only one her best friend Kendra wasn't answering her phone calls. The next best person who would listen to her and be her shoulder to cry on, was her boyfriend Elijah. Nadia quickly walked out of the hospital walking to the parking structure. She drove out of the hospital's parking structure with tears blurring her vision she set off to her boyfriend's house.

"I gotta go!" Dijon yelled pushing Chanel, his wife and the mother of his two children 3 years old Kiylan and 6 month old Kauner. She didn't know what was going on and he wasn't saying anything to her. She began to pull his suitcase off of the bed to grab his attention. "Let me fuckin pack man, leave me alone!" He snarled as he stuff any and everything into his luxury LV suitcase. He didn't know how long he was going to be gone all he knew was that his little sister needed him and he needed her.

"Baby can you just please talk to me?" Chanel begged. "What's going on?" She asked walking over to Kauner's crib picking her up, cradling, she was startled by the loud commotion. She soothed her while she eyed Dijon still awaiting his answer.

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