11 || Trouble at the bickback.

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Nadia Thompson

"Yaya c'mon girl!" I yelled as I sat on the burgundy couch in her living room switching my items from my tan purse to my black one- it went better with my outfit. I was at Yaya's getting ready for the kickback because she was a MAU and I did hair so we were exchanging each other services.

"I'm coming dang, you act like yo man gone leave. We goin right to his house." She walked into the living room waving me off. I watched her as she went and plopped down on the couch across from me. She was nowhere near ready she only had her left eyebrow filled in, I on the other hand was ready.

"Can you stop and finish getting ready?" I asked looked at myself in the mirror that hung above her couch.

"I'm taking a break I got tired. Girl, in Yaya's World yall are a couple. We ain't worried bout Jerrellish or no got damn Mustard fuck them."

"Jerrellish and Mustard? You just had to huh?" She nodded her head smiling like a goofball. She eyed my outfit nodding her head in approval.

"You showin stomach for bae?" She asked smirking. I was dressed in medium washed boy friend jeans, a black and white crop top and suede single strap heels.

"No! Let's go. Jerrell is suppose to be meeting us there."

"I don't care about no damn Jerrell! I'm team Daequan and whatever your ghetto ass middle name is!" She giggled standing up from the couch.

"Bitch it's Roselyn, cause I'm black my middle name gotta be ghetto?"

"Uh yeah! Thought it was Shakeyla or something." She laughed I rolled my eyes at her pushing her softly. "Roselyn and Daequan sitting in the tree h-u-m-p-"

"Yaya!" I screamed shaking head. She continued to sing. "Lalalalalalala!" I stuck my fingers in my ears. She swatted my hands away and began to sing louder.

"Yaya shut up! Go finish your make up!"

"Fine! Not my fault yall humping in the tree." She mumbled walking out of the living room. It was fun having a female friend around, it was different from what Kendra and I had probably because her intentions were to never be friends with me but with Elijah instead.

"Are you ready?" I asked Yaya as she walked out with her phone and purse in tow.

"Bitch are you ready ... to see yo man!" She bursted out laughing. She laughed for about good three minutes while I stale faced her. It was never that funny.

"I see you're in a good mood tonight I'm not going to kill your vibe cause them hormones gone switch up on me at any moment." I mumbled walking towards the front door. I've never had to deal with a pregnant women before so Yaya was the first. One minute she'd be laughing, joking and the next she'd be crying, or ready to fight you because she looks fat and you were staring at her too long.


"We is here!" Yaya smiled. "I haven't seen my baby all day!" Yaya pouted getting out of the driver's seat of her car. Derek and a few of YG's homies have been helping him set up for the kickback. Yaya met me on the other side of the car coming to poke at me. She fluffed my hair, fixed my outfit and my make up. "You're annoying, you know that?" I asked.

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