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Narinder would often get bored sitting in silence all day, and while he loved his guards, Aym and Baal, they didn't really give good company, mostly focused on danger that didn't exist. So he would sometimes watch his vessel through the crown he gave him. He would watch him destroy enemies, gain followers, gain their trust. And while watching him....he had a few panic attacks. He didn't know why but sometimes he would catch himself starting to feel...something...his heart would beat faster and his body would go hot. This usually happened when The Lamb was doing something cute or just being themselves, and it would usually end up with Narinder needing to be calmed by Aym and Baal.

It was odd. Odd for a powerful god of death to have panic attacks for seemingly no reason, just by staring at a lamb. But, as time went on, it didn't seem to get better. Soon enough, both Aym and Baal came to the same conclusion, their boss had caught feelings for his own vessel. They could see it in his eyes every time The Lamb popped into the realm they were kept in. Those eyes held pure excitement and joy. His pupils seemed to dilate in a cat-like way, it was so painfully obvious to them, though they prayed, for their boss's sake, it wasn't for The Lamb.

They tried to tell him, but sadly it seemed he didn't really know what 'love' was; instead, he just insisted that once all the chains were broken and The Lamb killed himself in his name, all would be fixed. But nothing Aym and Baal could see the cringe on his face when he said that, almost as if he hated thinking of it.

However, that was the past, back when those two guards were alive, back when Narinder had his freedom. You see, the plan didn't work; the chains broke but The Lamb didn't kill themselves...instead, they killed the two guards and betrayed Narinder, making him part of their cult. A fate that Narinder thought was worse than death.

But hey, at least those panic attacks he got when looking at The Lamb left, instead replaced by rage. Rage he couldn't take out because he was left with no power, left to only work under his former betraying vessel. That damned lamb.


" sit next to me," Shamura said, patting a spot beside them. A younger Narinder nodded and sat.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing, fact, I have news that should make you happy...I think you are old enough.." Shamura said.

"Oh? For what?" Narinder asked.

"The crown." Shamura pulled it out, "Now, this holds great need to be very responsible with it..ok?"

Narinder stared in awe as he nodded, "Yes! Yes! Ok! What is it for? Famine? War?"

Shamura laughed, "No, the red crown...the crown of death."

Narinder's eyes widened, "Death? Why this one?"

"Narinder...if there is anything I know about is that you can't escape one can..just like no one can escape you."

Narinder blinked, "It's through process elimination, isn't it? Leshy obviously was always going to be chaos, Heket is, of course, going to be famin due to not eagjng enough...and Kallamar..well, he gets sick a lot..."

Shamura sighed, " are right..but this does not mean it's not something you'll like. And this does not mean death is not as powerful...after all...everyone goes to it soon enough."

Narinder nodded, "Right..yes...of course...thank you...I take this with honor.."

Shamura smiled as he placed it on Narinder's head, "Good...I trust you..."

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 630

[Discontinued] "God's Beloved" The Lamb x NarinderWhere stories live. Discover now