Chapter 3: Plan

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Marrige was...odd...though that could be because the love was very one sided in it.

Lets get one thing stright, Narinder never really felt love, and honestly he never thought he would. After all, what even was love other then a chemical reaction in the brain? Now, this isn't cause he was a god, all of siblings had gotten partners before in the past, it was just Narinder that seemed cold.

Heket had gotten tons of partners, both boys and girls. Kallamar had some had picked up a few by being a scared idiot. Leshy...actually Leshy didn't really, maby one but they ended up getting horribly injured when Leshy some how shoot them into the air. And Shumura, well, peaple usually came to them.

Narinder just wasn't interest nor believed in love, but even if he did, he would out live them all anyways, after all, he was immortal.

Good thing The Lamb didn't make Narinder sleep in the same bed as them. They let Narinder stay in his own home, by himself, just now he had a annoying ring on his fingur.

As Narinder layed there, on his back in bed, he thought of how he could get out of this. He could probably try and run away, either get a mission and never return, or get out in the middle of the night, but then what would he do? He didn't have his powers, he needed the crown.

Narinder sighs and stared at hus ceiling. Maby...maby he could steal it, take it and run. Then The Lamb couldn't track him, at least not easily, and Narinder could start do what he originally intanded to do once freed, shape the world to his liking.

Narinder let out a deranged laugh at the thought.


"Kallamar." A young Narinder said as he walked into his older brother temple.

"Oh! Narinder! Whst is it?" Kallsmsr asks as he turns.

"I don't..feel good.." Narinder hald his stomach as he covered his mouth.

Kallamar face changed to one of worry, "Oh lord, ok, come here."

Narinder walked over and sat on a near by chair. Kallamar bent down and started examining him. "What's wrong, Narinder? What are you feeling? Are you feeling sick?" he asked, placing a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder.

Narinder nodded weakly,
"Feel like I'm going to puke." he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Kallarmar seemed more consured, "Take deep breaths," he instructed, his tone soothing and reassuring. "Let me get you some water."

Kallamar rushed to fetch water for Narinder. He returned quickly, holding a glass of water out to Narinder. "Here, drink slowly," he said gently, watching as Narinder took small sips.

Narinder tried to steady his breathing as he drank, "Thank you," he murmured, handing the glass back to Kallamar.

"When did this start?" Kallamar asks as he looks though his things, trying to find a tool to help.

"This tjis cuase of the crown?" Narinder aks as he pokts to the red crown im his head.

"Maby...I remamber when I first out it on..I didn't feel like pukeing but I got headaches for awhile..made me dizzy." Kallamar explains, rummaging more until he found a small vial of herbal remedy. "Here, this might help settle your stomach."

Narinder takes it and downs it immediately, "How long does it take?"

"Takes at least 20 minutes to kick in." Kallamar explains.

Narinder nods, "Alright...thank you Kallamar...thank you..."

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 588

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