Chapter 7: The crown

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"Brother! Brother!" A little Leshy yelled as they ran over to a younger Narinder.

Narinder turned his head to him, "What is it, Leshy?" he asked.

"I made you a flower crown!" Leshy replied as he lifted the flower crown up toward Narinder, a huge smile on his face.

Narinder looked and grabbed the crown, "Oh, well it's very nice, Leshy...thank you, brother." He puts it on. Leshy had used a variety of flowers, all bundled together into the crown, "You're really good at this."

Leshy jumps happily as he walks off to play. Narinder makes sure to keep an eye on him, just to make sure he doesn't get lost or injure himself.

Narinder, for a second though, looks back down at the flower crown, it really was beautiful.


Narinder woke up alone in The Lamb's bed. He sighed as he got up, that's when he realized he went to bed in his normal clothes. He sighed, great...

He tried to unwrinkle his clothes as he heads out the door, The Lamb probably went out on a crusade or something. At least that's what he thought, but that's when he saw people crowded around the door to the temple.

He walked over, "What's happening?" he asked.

The people around the temple turned to Narinder with somber expressions. One of them, an elderly woman, spoke up, her voice heavy with sorrow, "It's The Lamb, dear. They aren't letting anyone into the temple."

Another, younger man, added on to that, "They went in 5 hours ago, still haven't come out. And we've all heard screams from inside."

Narinder raised an eyebrow, "Screams?" he walked up to the door. It was indeed locked. He sighed, "Alright! Everyone go back to what you were doing. I'll figure out what's happening with The Lamb!"

A hand raised above the crowd. Narinder pointed at it, "Yes?"

"Why are you in charge now?" a voice belonging to the hand asked.

"'Cause I'm married to them, dumbass!" Narinder yelled back. The crowd went silent, 'Crap.' he thought, 'I might have been too aggressive about that.' he started overthinking, 'They're going to think I'm abusing that fact or something.' He takes a deep breath before he acts, "Sorry, sorry. It's just um...I'm terribly worried about him and I mean...5 hours? Screams? What loving partner wouldn't be? So please...just go about your day...while I...try to figure this out."

The crowd is silent before dispersing, a few nodding and mumbling apologies as they left.

Narinder sighs in relief before running back to the cabin, hoping to be able to find something to open the temple's doors. Was he really worried for The Lamb? Maybe... a little...

As Narinder rummaged around the cabin, he suddenly found a key. He grabbed and looked at it... maybe it was a spare key to the temple? Maybe... it was worth a try.

Narinder ran back to the temple doors and tried to force it into the keyhole... it fit... perfect.

He opened the door and slowly walked inside. The Lamb was on the floor. Narinder closed the door behind him, "Lamby?"

The Lamb sits straight as they hear Narinder's voice before turning around, but something was wrong. The crown... its... blackness... it was taking over their face, "Nari!~~" They get up, the blackness was on one of their arms too, all over, "Hello~"

Fear and concern washed over Narinder as he stepped forward, his hands trembling at his sides. "Lamby, what's happened to you?" he asked.

"Oh, Nari, my dear sweet Nari," they cooed, their words sending shivers down Narinder's spine. "I've been waiting for you."

Narinder took a cautious step back, his mind racing with fear and uncertainty, "What are you?" he asked.

"Why... it's me! Your crown! Your red crown! I've missed you!" The body of The Lamb walked towards Narinder and grabbed him, "Every since you put me on this... vessel... I've felt restrained... like there isn't enough room for me. I need you Narinder, something that can contain all of me!"

Narinder struggles under the crown's grasp, "You're the crown? How!?"

"That doesn't matter! Take me! Take me back and reclaim what is rightfully yours! Take me back!! I know you want to! Take me and kill them... The Lamb..." The crown yells.

Narinder felt a pang in his heart at the last words, "No... no! I'm not killing him!"

The crown seems shocked, "Don't tell me you like them... you've gone soft... no matter I'll do it myself!"

The hand holding Narinder clamped down on his neck and everything went black.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 774

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