-1-The Genesis

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'In the beginning was my love, and my love was for Nate, and my love was Nate. From the very beginning my love was with Nate . Through him, I encountered situations, not one pain was gotten without him. My love was the source of headache, and this headache brought anger to all. Amen'.
My composed version of the popular Bible Verse, John 1:2 to 4, according to the only Bible I've had in possession for the past 30 years - the Good News Bible. I still remember as a golden memory, when the late Magdalene Asare, gifted me this book upon hearing it was the anniversary of my birth. As a child, I cherished it and clasped it every night and was scrupulous to adhere to the wise words entrenched in the historical book of Joshua, Chapter 1:8.
'Be sure that the book of the law is always read in your worship. Study it day and night, and make sure that you obey everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Amen'
The Holy Bible was and is my favorite book to read. Not just because I am a devout Christian, but due to the euphorical effects it has on me in times of considerable distress.
They say, "Lucky at cards, unlucky in love," but in my case I'm unlucky in both. Never have I played cards and never do I think I will, due to some religious but also dignitary obligations. As an unserious novelist but rather hardworking broker, I have lived in the provinces of Accra with my elder sister and parents. Having passed successfully through the basic, junior and secondary education levels, I came to a conclusion which is to vacate my home and live at Tema with Aunty Beatrice (Auntie Bee for short), my mother's twin, who was to alleviate me in pursuing a skill - catering, until we were financially stable to settle the expenses of the university.
"Your sister, due to failure, was unable to continue and has taken to hairstyling and sewing. Although her produce are pleasing to the eye, it was not even the last thing on our sheet of wishes. But you, Christine, as long as you emerged with flying colors, though at this moment in time the sun's scorching differently at us, you will be seen studying a course at the tertiary level, come what may, even if I would have to sell my soul or even if it'll take ten solid years."
These were the very encouraging words of my mother who if hadn't traveled to the no-living-man's land early, would have witnessed my graduation from the University of Ghana,Legon.
At age 19, Auntie Bee had been able to transit being a novice to a pro. From baking, griddling, roasting, frying, you just name it, a chef had been born in 365 days. Since Auntie Bee owned a mini restaurant,she could use some help now that I portrayed acts of expertise. Each day, I'd wash and dry, chop and slice, peel and dice and stir-fry. Initially, I resisted payment but could refute no more when Auntie kept persisting and going to the extent of sliding money under my pillow.
I had a sum of GH¢3,000.00, amidst the year and after transferring one third of the money to Dad and saving half of that amount, I secretly use the remainder to rent a ship which u make into a bakeshop. Easy as I presumed it'll be, the cat couldn't stay in the bag for long and Auntie soon got to know why I was always out on weekends.
" Dear, you are very clever and your deeds testify. You could have just open up and I would have allowed you work in your shop rather than mine". Auntie smiled.
That u thought, was a start to absolute happiness until, the unforeseen happened.

A gentle but deep voice called.
I gently raised my head to gaze in the eyes of a tall brown skin gentleman who I admired in a split second.

"H-Hello Sir, how may I help you?" I grinned.


He laughed, with the most beautiful laughter I had seen yet.

"Please, call me Nate...Nate Mensah"

he stretched forth a friendly hd which I happily shook, still staring in those eyes as though it were the only things around.

"So," he broke the awkward silence,"I'd need 20 vanilla cupcakes, a large bucket of yoghurt and...,"

He takes a moment to look around,

"Do you have some soft drinks?"

"Yes please"

" Okay good, so then add two large bottles of any soft drink you recommend."

"Okay, on it" i said.

I quickly got all the orders within 10 minutes and added a little something I call a gift - my phone number on a sheet. After he had left with pleasure, I begun to curse myself for stupidly adding the phone number. For a moment, I didn't have the slightest idea on Earth as to why I did that.

"Damn it! Christine! Damn it! He asked for food not your stupid number! Damn it, you're stupid! Stu..."

Then I realised a customer had been quizzically wat Bing my move of slapping my forehead continuously. He probably thought I was a psychopath, judging from the funny wat he exited the shop.
6pm, 8:30pm, 9:50pm! Okay now I was boiling with anger. Fine, I comprehend if my behavior is considered awkward but at least, being a kind hearted fellow and calling or even texting wouldn't ruin a thing. Seriously I just can't..

"Ring! Ring!"

The phone notified. It was an anonymous text message at exactly 10pm.

"Hi, it's Nate" I read.

"Yes!" I shouted and writhed in joy on my bed.

"Is everything okay ?" Auntie Bee called out from the living room.

"Yes Auntie" I loudly responded.

After making sure no footsteps were approaching, I went forth to re-read the message and replied.

"Oh, Nate? From?" I replied ignorantly

"Lol, I visited your shop today"

"Really? And how did you get my number?" I stupidly asked.

For a long while, there was no reply. Damn it! I know I shouldn't have acted stupid. I prayed he would reply so I'd act appropriate this this, and he did.

"Meet me in front of your shop, please"

A meet up! At 10pm? Auntie Bee would not second this. Knowing this, I had to act a little headstrong. I was going to use the window, just like in movies.
Left leg out, right leg, then jump! Tiptoed through the bushes and made it for the road.
There he was, in a white Lacoste accompanied by well fitting pair of trousers. He seemed preoccupied with whatever it is he was doing on his smartphone, as he sat glued to the bench I reserved for waiting customers.
The next action after heaving a sigh was a tap on shoulders.

"Oh hi, that was fast" he smiled.

He gently got up and asked for a stroll which I quickly agreed to.

He was called Nate Mensah, a 23 year old man working as an artist in the apartment he had in the provinces of Suhum. He had come to Tem to visit a pal and that was why he ordered a lot that blessed day.
He was gentle in tone and spoke broad accent. We sat at a bus stop and soon sank into silence. Which was pretty much awkward since clearly both were avoiding eye contact.
Mistakenly but rather purposively, I held his resting hand on his laps. He widened those big brown eyes, precipitating me to release my grip immediately.

"Goodness!" I whispered to myself

The amount of embarrassment I felt was immeasurable. Why did I do that?
Well maybe that wasn't dumb after all since he repeated the action and as he gazed into my eyes with blatant affection, he uttered in the calmest tone he had used so far,

"You have the most beautiful lips I have ever seen".

And just like a magnetic force, the poles of my lips attracted the poles of his - we kissed.

Without saying a word about what happened, he accompanied me to the house and watched as I got in, the same wat I got out. I guess my emotions were too deep to hide so he noticed my displeasure.

"Was it that bad?" He asked


" The kiss, was it that bad?" He repeated.

"Oh no no no. I really loved it" I smiled

"Then why the long face"

"It's just...it's just that you never said another word about the kiss afterwards and it's leaving me in suspense" I cried

" Chillax baby girl, you know what, have a good night, I'll call you tomorrow" he winked and left.

As a young lady in love, you can assume how stupid and childish I acted before surrendering to bed. Ha! Love is an open door.

End of Part 1.

By: Priscilla Aboagyewaa

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