-13- A Guardian Angel

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There I sat, preoccupied in the bus heading to Tafo - a place I've never been. Did I know why I was going there? No. I didn't even know why I jumped into that bus, holding on firmly to my traveling bag and daughter's hand. Maybe it was due to the fact that, the food vendors at the bus station were weirdly throwing glances at me.
I literally sat under the bus conductor's armpit and hardly could I breathe. His tattered clothes have off an unbearable and suffocating smell. I could hear the other passengers murmur about something; probably his smell and not Gifty's rudeness.
She was not to blame for her mood, since I know I was to blame. When a passenger wanted to alight, Gifty would have to be begged - literally, before she paved way.
She would hiss a little, frown or blink rudely just to show her displeasure.
There was a chabby looking woman who had been observing Gifty and, she just had to laugh.

"Kids" she shook her head.

Gifty looked away, trying to be ignorant.

"I'm Louisa" she smiled at Gifty.

"I'm Gifty" she smiled shortly and went back to default.

"Ei! So am I the cause of this anger?" Louisa asked.

"No ma'am" Gifty looked away.

"Well, then why don't you give me a smile?"

"I'm currently maintaining this mood miss" Gifty said.

"Why?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Please don't bother"

"You know, I have a daughter, just like you. Her name is Rita. She has mood swings just like you. Ha! You know what?..."

Louisa tried to get Gifty into a conversation but Gifty ignored, seeming uninterested.

"Rita got up one day, angrily. None knew the cause and none actually cared since it was a norm. She hadn't eaten since morning and it was almost night time. I also resisted the urge to ask her if she was hungry. So, she waited for everyone to go to bed, and that night, she sneaked into the kitchen to prepare something..."

Gifty seemed interested now.
I finally moved from where I sat and joined Gifty's seat which was behind. I couldn't hear what Louisa said but the outcome was a loud laughter from Gifty, which she later felt embarrassed of and covered her mouth in shame.
Louisa and Gifty begun to bond but Louisa had soon gotten to her destination and had to get off the bus. From the look on Gifty's face, I could tell she was displeased so, as a mother trying to fix what she has broken, I bumped it,


The bus conductor gave me an ugly look.

"We will get down here"

I smiled at Gifty's puzzled face and then got down from the bus. Louisa saw us get down and halted, obviously for us to catch up.

"Oh, so you stay around here?" She asked Gifty.

Gifty raised a brow at me.

"Sort of" I answered quickly.

So we all walked together.
After some minutes, Louisa begun to wonder where exactly we were heading to, since it seemed we were going her way.

"Where did you two say you stay?" Louisa asked.

There was no response. Instantaneously, I let the cat out of the bag- tearfully but with mendacity.

"We are homeless, we have nowhere to stay. Please have mercy on us"

Gifty gave me a look, trying to tell me hw embarrassed she was of me. Well, desperate measures call for desperate solutions.
Louisa couldn't say no to a fellow in need, so, she held me by the hand and asked me to stay calm.

"I'll help you" she comforted.

I was filled with so much satisfaction, that I embraced her.

"Thank you, oh thank you. We are grateful."

" My family and I live in a two bedroom house and I think we can help you two in a way. Besides, I'm the leader of the women's fellowship in the church I fellowship with and as I always preach, doing good should never be stopped by an excuse. So yes I'll help you. Isn't it also God's work?"

"Indeed it is, my sister" I grinned.

So after a few steps and turns, we got to Louisa's home. Let me call it noble. Her husband who I later got to know was called Mr. Christian, was not at home at that moment and would return around 10pm.
Louisa introduced her daughter, Rita to us and added that we would be sharing a room with her.
Initially, Rita seemed not to like the whole idea of having new people but, I could tell after a couple of days, the bonds were forming. 
That evening, Louisa prepared a sumptuous meal for Gifty and I and restrained us from helping her wash the utensils. She went forth to engage us in a Bible study, which actually motivated me to go back to my Bible study hobby. While we watched TV, Gifty and Rita begun to dose off so we asked them to go to bed. When they were out of sight, I could tell Louisa wanted to start a conversation or pry, someway somehow and I just prayed she shunned that thought since I wasn't ready to open up. I had a plan of my own.
I was going to find a way the next day, and transfer the money to Nate and when everything gets fine, he would be able to come for us.

"So where is your husband?"
Louisa who just couldn't shut up, asked.

" He, he is dead" I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh!, So sorry Christine. Sorry for even asking" she bowed her head in shame.

" Oh don't bother. He died when Gifty was an infant. " I continued fibbing.

" Wow, a strong mother. You have raised this beauty alone? Wow. A role model" she congratulated.

Okay, I knew I was fibbing, but she had a point, I was a strong mother. I literally raised Gifty all alone while Nate did his own business. Hm! Nate. Was I even doing the right thing sending him the money? Wasn't he going to forget about us again? Okay, what if he actually changes this time? What if?"

" But how come you're homeless?  Don't you have a family?" She asked again.

"Yes...I mean no. No I don't have. They also died"

"Ei! You have no family?" She gaped, "Are you sure? What of your husband's family? Are they also dead" she squinted.

" You won't believe it if I even say it. Hm"

"Oh I will. I will" she hurriedly answered.

"Okay, his parents are dead and he was their only child. His uncle's and aunties never liked me so, here I am, homeless"

I was using my creative skills. Ha!

"Life!" She sighed, "Don't worry, that's why God sent me to you. See me as your guardian angel"

"My guardian angel" i repeated.

No sooner had i finished talking than her husband entered. I squinted when I saw Mr. Christian. A skinny man as he was, was married to a chabby looking woman. Interesting!

"Darling" Louisa called and hugged him.

He gave her a peg in return and finally seemed to notice me. He gave her a look and she begun explaining.
From the start, Christian had a frown but after a little touches from his wife, he gave me my first smile. Soon, i had none.




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