-14- Snitch!

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As life unfolded itself before me, my Aunty, Bee, had informed my parents of the situation at hand.

"Ah! Ah! What has come over my sweet Christine?" Mother had cried.

Every now and then, mother would get in touch with Aunty just for a pleasing news: I called, but to no avail.
It was one sunny Sunday and mother had closed from her monotonous women's fellowship meeting. She was still mulling over my whereabouts and murmuring inaudible prayers to God. As she sat at the bus station engrossed in whatever she was thinking of at that moment, a cab pulled over and a lady in blue stepped out.
The slamming of the front door awoke Mrs. Magdalene and she rose to her feet upon realising who stood before her.

"Mercedes!" She gaped.

"Aunty, why are you sitting here?" Mercedes asked

"Hm...I'm waiting for the bus"

"But, I saw you from a far, you looked anxious. Are you fine?" She held Mrs. Magdalene by the hand.

"Hm...well, since you're a good friend of my daughter, I think I can tell you this..."

Mercedes suddenly had a change of face.

"Christine is nowhere to be found."

"What! H-How could she?" Mercedes pretending as though she had no idea.

"Hm...Mercy, I don't know what on Earth has come over her. To be sincere, I just don't know who taught her such a behavior" Mrs. Magdalene cried.

Mercedes felt aversion for the tears running down Mrs. Magdalene's big cheeks so, she heaved a sigh, and opened up.

"Can I also confine in you?"

Mother then turned puzzled eyes to her.
Mercedes insisted they went to have the conversation at Mrs. Magdalene's place, and since she was eager, she quickly gave in.
The two got home to meet Mr. Felix Asare, whistling a tune and polishing his shoes, in the porch.

"Ei, welcome. I see you didn't come home alone" he grinned upon seeing the two.

"Yes. Let me get the chairs, we have a talk" Mother rushed inside, with the quickest steps i had ever seen her make.

"A talk?," He asked, "what talk?"

Mercedes just stood there awkwardly looking at Mr. Felix.
Mother brought out two chairs on which they seated opposite to each other.

"Why? What is it?" Mr. Felix asked.

"Mr Felix, I have something to tell you" Mercedes begun and was actually pleased to see the eagerness of her listeners.

"Okay Mercy" he suspended what he was doing, "what is it?"

"It's about Christine"

"You know where she is?" Mother's eyes widened.

"I could help you find her." Mercedes assured.

"How?" The coupled chorused.

"Christine lives with a man in Suhum"

"What!" They shouted.

"What sort of behavior is this?" Mother rebuked.

"And she even has a daughter named Gifty"

"A daughter? So she is an unmarried woman with a daughter? So it that who I raised her to be? Ei! Disgraceful!" Mother exclaimed.

"Mrs Magdalene, the sad aspect is that,this man Nate, doesn't treat your daughter well. You need to save her. She is in distress"

"Have you realized the foolishness of your daughter? You see?" Father asked rhetorically,

"Christine is no more my child, let her be wherever she is. I care of"

Mr Felix got up from his seat and exited the house.

"Oh God" Mother cried bitterly.

Hm...who could blame her for being so emotional?

"Mrs Magdalene don't weep please. This is not what is needed now, let's find her and bring her home" Mercedes advised.

"Okay, okay, you will take me to her this evening"

"This evening? Oh lets make it tomorrow morning" Mercedes pleaded.

"Okay, 4:00am"

"4:00am? Ei make it 5:00am" Mercedes smiled at this eagerness.


"I'll come and pick you up" Mercedes added.

"Okay, okay".

Mercedes then shared some motivational messages to Mrs Magdalene and took her leave. Just when she stepped out...

"Hello boss" she begun,

"Yes, yes...so we meet this evening..okay, okay boss"

Then she hunger up.


"Where is the lady? I can't work with people who aren't time conscious" Bigboss complained.

"Don't worry Bigboss,She'll be here in a few minutes, she is just a little..."

Mercedes enters,

"Good evening"

"Ah! There she is" Ramani said with a phony smile.

"Sorry I'm late boss, I had..."

"No need to explain, let's get to business" Bigboss ordered.


So Mercedes took a seat at the table and said a silent word of prayer.

"So Bigboss, as I said, Mercedes is going to be the face of the company. She is the perfect fit. She had all the features. And I've already spoken to her that it's a contract. Being an ambassador is a lot of work and she agrees to do her best" Ramani explained.

"Her best? I see" Bigboss scanned Mercedes, "okay, I need her alone in my office tomorrow" he concluded and dramatically wore his shades and exited with a frown.
When he was out of earshot,

"Phew! He looks tough" Mercedes pointed out.

"You were this close to losing your chance" Ramani frowned.

"Oh c'mon don't frown at me," she rolled her eyes, "I had my reasons."

"Okay, if you say so" he shrugged.

"So what do you say we Netflix and chill?" Mercedes pouted.

"You are not serious" Ramani shook his head.

"Oh c'mon, can't you do this for me? Your best friend?" She teased.

"Best friend? Pssh...you?"

"Ouch, emotional damage" Mercedes being dramatic.

"You know I'm after a wife not a hook up partner" he pointed out.

"Marriage? Ei, count me out then" Mercedes laughed.

"Yes, marriage, my brother is getting married soon, so we'd be paying a visit to our younger sister to inform her"

"You have a younger brother?"

"Yes, he's called Tano"

"Interesting..." She smirked.

"But, would you like to go with us?" He asked.

"Go with you? No please, it's obviously going to be a boring something" she rolled her eyes.

" For you, ha! Well, let's go and let me drop you off"

"Okay sure thing" She winked.




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