-15- Another?

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It had been a few days since I came to Bamfo's house. Gifty and i were still at loggerheads and I think Louisa was starting to notice, despite the phony smiles we had been giving each other.

"Are you sure things are fine between you and your mother?" She whispered to Gifty one evening as they went for a stroll.

"Yes,yes, everything is fine" she lied.

"Well, I don't see you two having that mother-daughter bond" she pointed out.

"Really?" Gifty widened her eyes in surprise, "then maybe Mrs Louisa isn't looking closely" she laughed.

Louisa still didn't give up and wanted to know what the problem was.

On the other hand, Nate was still getting in touch with me, playing the good husband and father role. Surprisingly? Ha!

"How is my daughter" he asked on the phone.

"Oh, she is here, do you want to speak to her?"

I asked with a smile which faded in a split second after seeing the frown on Gifty's face.
I stretched my hand to hand her the phone but she ignored and murmured something I presumed was insulting.

"Oh, she is shy" I lied to Nate

"And who are we talking to?" Louisa bumped into the living room with a grin.

"No one" I quickly hanged up


"Her uncle" I rushed in. Just to prevent Gifty from telling Louisa the truth. This wasn't the right time.

"Which of her uncle's? She raised a suspicious brow, "I thought you did not have uncles?"

"Oh really? Is-is that what I said? No I remember saying her uncles were alive, they just didn't like us"

"So then why is he calling now?" Louisa took a seat .

"Just saying hi"

"Ei, he despises you but now he called to check up? Ei"  she clapped dramatically, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm surprised as you are aunty" Gifty laughed with her.

"Knock knock" a sound came from the door.

"Must be my brothers" Louisa hurried to the door.

The next thing to be heard and seen were hugs, kisses, laughter's and approaching footsteps.

"Here, sit" Louisa pointed.

They were two young men probably of my age or a little older, I presumed. They were both dark skinned like their sister - who I later got to know was the youngest of the three, but way taller than her. They really took after each other and I was surprised to hear they weren't twins but actually, Tano was younger than Ramani and from my perspective, less nicer- no offense though.

"Hi,I'm Christine," I waved, after Louisa had introduced everyone.

"Little sis, so why didn't you tell me you had a treasure at home, such beautiful treasure"

Ramani smiled at me.

Was he trying to flirt? Well, I prayed he stopped since I was feeling uneasy.

Gifty asked Louisa for a permit to leave the room and it was granted.

"So, Tano, how is life?" Louisa begun.

"Oh, life is good, in fact we came here to inform you about my marriage. I just couldn't tell you over the phone" he grinned.

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