Golden Rose

61 2 2

(2 weeks after Chapter 2)

Currently, Willow and Gus were formulating a strategy for an upcoming exhibition Flyer Derby game. During Willow's pitch to Hexside’s faculty for a school flyer derby team the vote was fifty-fifty. Since the vote was split the principal decided to hold a game and see what the reaction would be. Willow agreed and was able to find another team to play them for the exhibition. They were given two weeks to prepare and for the school to get the word out to Bonesborough. Tomorrow was the day

"Hey Willow, I don't mind helping you game plan but doesn't Skara usually help you strategize?" Gus asked

"Yeah," Willow replied "But she has a date tonight so I told her to enjoy herself."

"I'm here!" They heard Hunter say as he walked into the room.

Willow immediately got up and ran to Hunter and enthusiastically wrapped him up in a hug and Kissed him.

"Where did that come from?" Hunter asked.

Willow looked at him with a faint smile, "It's just, we've both been so busy lately we've barely had any time for each other."

"I know, I'm sorry Willow. But I promise I'll make it up to you!" he replied, kissing her on the top of her head.

Suddenly Hunter’s palisman, Waffles start chirping at him.

"What's she saying?" Willow asked.

"She said she wants to talk to me outside for a second," Hunter said as he started to follow his palisman, "I'll be right back." he told Willow as he walked out the door

"What's up?" He asked Waffles.

Waffles chirped at him and tilted her head in the direction they just walked from.

Hunter immediately understood what Waffles was suggesting. "You...think I should ask her after the game?"

His palisman responded with a simple chirp indicating yes. Hunter had been busy these last few weeks but not solely due to carving. Hunter was also slowly preparing to ask Willow to marry him. Unlike Amity he wasn't planning a specific moment but was waiting for the right one. He already had the ring now all he needed was the opportunity.

Hunter rubbed the back of his head, "I don't know, in front of stands full of people it sounds too public."

Waffles flew on Hunter's head and lightly pecked him multiple times.

"Ok," Hunter replied, "I'll think it over tonight but for now we need to get back to the game plan."

Hunter would cross that bridge later. For now, he and Waffles went back into the house to help Willow and Gus prepare for tomorrow.


It was currently noon and the stands were starting to fill up. Even though the town was more into Grudgby almost all of Bonesborogh turned up. It helps that the human who saved The Boiling Isles was helping spread the word. Speaking of said human, Luz and Amity were two of the first to arrive. They were currently sitting in the mid-section of the stands waiting for their family to join them. Luz sitting in her seat holding her wife's hand until she heard her name being called.

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