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The Flying Derby game had ended a little under an hour ago and needless to say, it was eventful. The crowd seemed to love it and the girl who had been pushing for it was now engaged. Everyone figured Hunter would ask Willow to marry him eventually but proposing after the game in front of all those people was something unexpected. After the game, their friends and family came to the field and congratulated the couple on both the win and their engagement. After mingling for a bit everyone took their leave.

"Well, that was quite eventful," Eda said as she and Lilith walked to the Owl House with King sleeping in her hair and Hooty napping on Lilith's back.

Lilith nodded, "I never thought that he would do that in front of all those people, I'm actually very impressed."

"First Luz and Boots, and now those two." Eda replied, "Everyone is getting married left and right now. Even Luz's school bully has a girlfriend now"

Lilith smirked at her sister, "No, technically it was you and Raine first, then it was Luz and Amity." she said, causing Eda to blush a bit.

About a year after Belos was defeated Eda and Raine married. Since it was during the time the Isles were being rebuilt they decided to make it more private. They had a small but cute wedding with only close friends and family.

Eda let out a huge sigh, "I'm kinda worried about them, Lily."

"Why is that?" Lilith asked.

"Raine has put too much on their plate," Eda answered, "They've been teaching at my university since we still don't have a Bard teacher, on top of the fact they have been helping with removing coven sigils and trying to figure out where the Boiling Isles goes from here."

Lilith looked at her sister with concern, "Have you talked to Raine about it?"

Eda shook her head, "We're hardly home at the same time and when one of us is already asleep, we never get the chance to talk much, I never even got to ask if they wanted to have kids of our own after we, besides King and Luz of course."

Lilith hated seeing her sister like this. Normally Eda was sassy and sarcastic seeing her worry broke Lilith's heart. "What are they doing today?" She asked

Eda shrugged, "I don't know, I was asleep when they got home last night and I let them sleep in this morning"

"When they wake up you need to talk to them about it, Don't wait too long either, The sooner the better," Lilith told Eda and pulled her into a hug, "Everything will be ok, I promise,"

Lilith couldn't relate to this issue but she thought at the very least she could offer some words of support.

"Wanna stay for a bit?" Eda asked as they arrived at the Owl House.

"No, I have things to do." Lilith lied, hoping that Eda would talk to him when she got in.

Eda shrugged, "OK, I'll see you later, bring Hooty back at a reasonable hour." she joked.

Lilith turned into her Harpy mode and flew away. Eda went inside the house and found her partner sleeping on the couch. Since Raine got back much later than Eda they decided to sleep on the couch and not risk waking Eda up.

Eda smiled at her partner as they slept, "Right where I left you."

She went upstairs, put King in Luz's old room, and went back downstairs. This time she found Raine sitting up and rubbing their eyes.

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