Untitled Part 34

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Chapter 34

Rudra stood still, looking at Agni. A realization dawned on him. 

He was fighting the biggest battle of his life. Their entire future happiness now stood on balance. He had to win this, he had to win him over, and yet the only way to do so, was to accept defeat. 

Not pride, not strength, not even love could save him now. Only humble acceptance. Only a plea of complete surrender might. He was willing to do what it took. Beg, plead, grovel! What was the point of pride when one's entire world was going down in flames?

He walked up to Agni and gently took his hand.

He pulled him inside the room, saying, 'sit down, please.'

He sat in front of him and looked at Agni's drooping shoulders and exhausted face as he stared into space.

He said, 'I've wronged you. At each step of our reacquaintance, I've wronged you. I cannot give any excuses. You're right. Absolutely right. I was conceited. My joy in finding you again was like a personal victory. I could have chosen to tell you the truth that morning. Instead, I chose to lie to you because it was simply easier. It was just less complicated to go along with your delusion. Of course, I didn't want to hurt you, but I think I was more scared of your reaction. I was worried that you might reject me.'

Agni looked up and listened intently. Rudra spoke on. 'I apologize, Agni. Really, I'm truly sorry. Please tell me how to make amends. I'll do anything to regain your trust. I will not make empty promises. I will show you through my actions that I can change. You're right. Of course! The first time we met we were merely two unfortunate kids brought together completely by chance. But now that's not the case, is it? Now, we're both independent adults. We're rational enough to make wise choices. And AS an adult I choose you. I choose to love you and be with you. What about you? Can't you say the same? Can't you forgive my stupid presumptions and start over? I'll spend the rest of my life making sure that I treat you with the fairness you deserve. I love you, and I know that you love me, don't question that, I beg of you! Please Ani-Agni, sorry, I mean Agni!' he stopped talking, red in the face, panting. He looked at him helplessly, cursing himself for bungling even this apology.

Agni sat back and folded his arms over his chest. His eyes glazed over as a lengthy hush fell over them. Rudra didn't speak any more, just watched him with his breath stuck in his throat.

Agni stirred after what felt like an eternity of silence.  He nodded and said, 'I will consider it. But, for now, just to begin with, tell me all. How did she do it, what did she use, what have you learnt?'

Rudra stared at him open mouthed. 'You want me to talk about your mother's murders?'

Agni nodded. 'Equal partner, remember what I said? No more high-handed arrogance. You have to be an equal partner to me. Not my saviour, not my protector, not my guardian. Show me that you understand what that means.'

Rudra stood up and walked away. He sighed and spoke softly with his back to him.

'Killing Rishikesh was a spur of the moment decision. She acted on rage. She had followed you downstairs and discovered us together in your room. She stood watching and listening to us and then decided to kill him. Stopping him in any other way didn't occur to her. Blind rage had overtaken rational thoughts, I suppose. She made some strong, sweet coffee and added rat killer in it. That's the Strychnine they found. She woke him up on the pretext of talking about some hidden treasure and fed him the poisoned coffee. She stalled and talked all the while watching him finish a kettle of it.'

Agni shook his head. 'What about Shukla and Lalita? Why did she give them Arsenic? When? Why? If it wasn't premeditated, I don't understand what was going through her mind!'

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