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"Daddy," whined Draco, "Why is the sky greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?" Dumbelleedoor frowned and stroked his luscious beard. "Son, the green sky happens once every 292.8 years and it is caused by the bird clock. The bird clock is a divine being that resides in the heavens, presiding over all us mortals down below. Every once in a while, it will punish us for our wrongs by dyeing the clouds emerald with its verdant pigments." Draco nodded, knowingly from where he sat in his hospital bed. "Is it bad, daddy?" "No, son, You needn't worry."

a/n this is our new theology and that is why it conflicts with the science. we will start a holy war over this if you guys continue to vote and comment on our masterpiece of a story xxx

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