Chapter 17

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Morning brings just as much chaos as the day before.

Last night, it was decided that the Armorer would ferry the wounded back to the fleet while Damon and his able-bodied men took us to the Forge. I didn't sleep at all. Between feeding Grogu and helping make all the decisions regarding the mission, there was no time for it. I practically begged Din to sleep for a few hours, and he only listened because I told him Grogu would sleep better with one of us staying with him. I only hope the little rest they got was enough.

Now, the wind is rustling in the sails and in my hair as we push onward toward the Great Forge. Bo's eyes have been alight with eagerness and fire all morning. We're so close and she's been waiting for this for too long to be disappointed now.

Thunder rumbles above as the others find ways to entertain themselves. There isn't much to do, and Damon insisted that we all sit back while his men take care of sailing. I watch from the upper deck as Grogu makes his way down to the main deck where the others are. I know I should trust the Mandalorians not to mess with him, but part of me can't help but be protective. Maybe Din's rubbing off on me.

Paz and Axe are playing some kind of game on the deck. The sight makes me hopeful. If those two, two of the more stubborn Mandalorians I know, can play a game together, then there's hope for the rest of them. They're even conversing quietly as they play. It's quite peaceful.

Suddenly, Paz shoves to his feet and brandishes his vibroblade. "Submit or fight."

Well, so much for that.

"Can you believe this?" Axe says loud enough for everyone to hear. I want nothing more than to smack him right now. Then he jumps up in a flash and joins the fight. The two go at each other somewhat viciously and I start toward them.

A hand slams across my chest and pushes me back. It's Bo. "Neither side can intervene," she says quietly. "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"I'm supposed to be uniting them," I whisper back. Din appears at my other side.

"They have to get this out," Bo says. "If you go down there, it could look like you favor one over the other depending on how you act."

I grit my teeth and step back. She lowers her arm and we watch as the fight continues. But just as they lunge at each other again, the IG suit grabs them in each hand and holds them apart.

"No. No. No. No."

Grogu slams his hand on the button as he frowns between the two. Paz is the first to relax, and Axe soon follows. I can't help but smile at the child as he coos, nodding up at me and Din.

"You taught your apprentice well," Bo says, nodding at me and Din.

Din shrugs. "He didn't learn that from me."

I'm still smiling at the kid as I sigh. "The Jedi are supposed to be guardians of peace. That's what he knows." I turn to look at Bo and she raises her eyebrows at me. "He's going to be the best of us, you know."

A grin spreads across her lips. "I know."

Grogu makes his way back to the upper deck and holds his arms out to me with a squeal. I gently pull him from his suit and tuck him into my arm. He snuggles close to my chest and I rub one of his large ears. "Good job, kid."

Bo heads toward the main deck with the others, leaving me alone with Din and the kid. Taking advantage of the privacy, Din quietly leans forward, resting his helmet against the side of my head, and uses one hand to nudge Grogu gently.

The ship pushes onward throughout most of the late morning. Aside from some idle chatter throughout the ship, there isn't much happening. Grogu eventually wants to be back in his suit again and I oblige, letting him walk around the ship again. The others treat him with a little more respect, I notice. Perhaps they learned something from the spectacle earlier.

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