Chapter 29

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"Luke." This time, recognition fills my voice as I look at him with wide eyes. He smiles wider than he did before.

"I think it worked."

My eyes immediately start to water as I think about everything that's happened. I remember everything, but it's strange at the same time. I have memories of everything that's happened to me, but I also have memories of after the Mind Flayer. I remember how distant I was with Din, but I also know everything we've been through.

And I cannot wait to see him again.

"I have to get back to Din and the kid," I say quickly.

Luke chuckles. "I thought you'd say that." His smile falters. "I wish you the very best, Tara Vizsla."

My smile grows and I dip my head. "May the force be with you, Master."

He rolls his eyes at the title, since I wasn't his student very long, but smiles all the same. "May the force be with you, Manda'lor."

I wake with a sharp breath that shoots ice into my chest as I sit up. I cough, sputtering on the air in my lungs as I blink a few times to take in my surroundings. I'm in my bed on my ship, I can tell that.

I pull the covers away and stand, my legs a little wobbly, and I glance down at myself. The blaster wound I felt in my arm during my time with Luke is nowhere to be found. I'm still wearing my navy clothing from Ahsoka, but not my armor. I hope it survived the crash.

The crash!

I cringe at the thought of what kind of damage my ship might have endured. With a steeling breath, I press the control to open the bedroom door and step outside into the main hangar. When I see the state of the place, my eyebrows shoot up.

Huyang is dutifully making repairs up in the cockpit while R5 finishes pushing a few things in the hangar back to their places. When he catches sight of me, he squeals loudly and spins around.

I grin, patting his domed head. "Hey, buddy." Even though he's a droid, I can tell he notices the change in me. "That's right. I remember everything. Including how you let a New Republic officer find the covert a while back."

He lets out a perturbed little beep and I snort out a laugh. "Nice try. You're not living that one down."

Speaking of the New Republic officer, though, I wonder where Carson is. He came with that other woman, Hera, and I can only hope he survived the lightspeed jump. Just as I'm about to head for the open ramp of the ship, Huyang straightens up and spots me.

"Ah, Lady Vizsla. It is good to see you up and about."

I smile at him. "Thanks, Huyang. How long was I out?"

He gives a mechanical shrug. "Oh, five days."

I blink once. "Five days?"

He returns to his repairs. "It's just as well. Lady Tano only just woke up a day ago, and your ship needed all that time for repairs. I'm just about finished the last of it."

I nod, slowly filtering in all his information. "Okay, well thanks for the repairs, I guess."

He says nothing, so I head down the ramp. At the bottom, I'm hit with a cool breeze. Seatos, I believe this planet was called. I rub my palms up and down my arms to save some warmth as my gaze sweeps over the place. The red trees are bunched in a thick forest at my back, but ahead of me, is a strange rock formation and a raging sea. In the center of the formation are a green Twi-lek, a young boy, a droid, and Ahsoka.

I can't hide my smile as I walk over to join them. Ahsoka spots me first, giving me a knowing grin of her own. She grabs me by the shoulders when I reach her and pulls me into a tight embrace.

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