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In the delulu morning:

You woke up and saw that Jungkook wasn't in the bed anymore you looked around and you got up walking like a lost puppy U^ェ^U you went downstairs and you saw plenty of maids cooking luxurious foods

You went to them and asked

Y/n: what are you guys cooking??

Maid 4: oh? Mr. Jeon said that he had guest and he also said to not wake you up and let you rest, but anyways come eat breakfast, it's ready

Y/n: ohhh okkkk

You went to the dinning room and sat  on your small Minnie Mouse chair
You finished eating your breakfast and you went to the living room to look some cartoons

With Jungkook:

????: it has been a long time since I didn't see Y/n

????: yeah how is she?

????: she must be 6 or 7 years old by now right?

Jungkook: yeah, she's 6 years old

????: and a dumbo like you left a six years old with maids that we can't maybe trust?

Jungkook: y'all just shut up, I know you want to see her but calm down

Namjoon: frr

????: ya just shut up Namjesus

Namjoon: y-

Yoongi: y'all shut up I'm trying to sleep

Jungkook: why? We have almost arrive now wake your lazy @ss up

????: yeah, like seriously

Driver: Sir we have arrived

Jungkook: alright... *cold voice*

????: let's goooooo I wanna see my Y/nnieee

Back with you:

Y/n: *pout* where did daddy go to take so much time...I'm bored

Ahjumma: little miss...Mr. Jeon is coming soon

They heard the entrance door being unlocked and you heard many footsteps

You quickly ran to the noises to see 4 girls smacking Jungkook's head and scolding him

????: you! How dare you let the maids cook a delicious food in front of Y/nnie when she only had regular breakfast?

????: yeahh! You are starving my baby! You d!ck head

???: daddy!!!

They all heard a small cute voice and they saw you running to him and hugging him

Jungkook: kitten? You woke up already? *soft*

Y/n: hmm...

He picked you up and made you sit on his shoulder

????: omgggg Y/nieee is so  cuteeee

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