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He was about to enter is car but he was stopped by a soft and gentle voice that was similar to his dead wife

He quickly turned around to see...?




His dead wife sister...

Yana: hey Jungkook...long time no see right?

Not only that...she was holding in her arms...








Her 7 years old daughter...Yunjin... (Explanation later or tmrw)


Saur, Yana is Yunjin's twin sister, the only difference between them is that Yunjin has a big beauty spot under her eyes and Yana doesn't

After Yana found out about her sister's death, she went into depression, but she moved on after 6 month and she found her true love

To not make bad memories about her sister, she decided to live in Japan for 4 years

After that, she found out she was pregnant and was having a baby girl, she was more than happy

And when it was time to give her a name

She decided to rename her daughter 'Yunjin' to show how much she loved, missed and adored her sister

End of explanation:

Jungkook: Y-Yana?...what are you doing here...? Jungkook asked not believing that he just saw his dead wife's sister

Yana: Jungkook shii! I'm happy to see you! She said with a smile

Jungkook eyes went on the little girl she was holding, she was peacefully sleeping like Y/n...

Yana: who are you holding? Don't tell me that's your daughter and that you cheated on my sister...

Jungkook: no no! It's Yunjin's daughter...Y/n... he said smiling at your sleeping figure

Yana: really?!!! She's so cute!!! She said in awe

Jungkook: and that's your daughter? He asked

Yana: yeah...her name is Yunjin...

Jungkook: Yunjin... (sadly smile) what a beautiful name...

Yana: I'm sorry...i didn't mean to make you sad again! She just...i...i miss her

Jungkook: I do too...

???: *yawn*

???,???: daddy/mommy WHO is she?! The small unknowns voices asked pointing at each other

Jungkook:, that's Yunjin your cousin

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