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Jungkook: baby!

He called you

Y/n: yes daddy?

Jungkook: I received a message from Sunghoon, he wants to play at the park with you

He said scrolling through is phone

Y/n: now?!!! Yayyy!! I'm gonna play with Sunghooooo

Jungkook: go get ready baby bunny I'll wait for you at the door

Y/n: alrighty daddy!

You said before running upstairs to get dressed


You came back wearing this

(ThE mAsK iS cUtE bUt NaHhH jUsT pReTeNd ThAt It IsN'T hErE)

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(ThE mAsK iS cUtE bUt NaHhH jUsT pReTeNd ThAt It IsN'T hErE)

Jungkook: my baby is so cute...

He exclaimed while carrying you

Y/n: *shy* thank shu...

he pecked your nose before leaving the mansion


You saw Sunghoon sitting on the bench looking down, you though of surprising him so you tip toe and you want behind him quietly

You lowered your head at his ear discretely and


You shouted making him flinch so bad, Jungkook was laughing while looking at you both and Sunghoon turned to your side with his hand on his chest

Sunghoon: you scared me to death! I was about to have an heart attack!!!

He heavily panted

Y/n: sowey hoonie...

You muttered pouting at him

Sunghoon: *smile sadly* now come let's play...

Y/n pov; why is Sunghoon like that? He sounds sad...

Sunghoon: come let's play!!!

He said grabbing your hand and walking at the playground

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