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???: *clear throat* can we go and play now?

??? 2: yeah I'm bored

??? 4: sorry to disturb your emotional moment

Jungkook giggled at the girls comment and he looked back at you

Jungkook: you remember them right baby?

He said as you nodded slowly

??? 3: nice to see you again Y/niee!

Y/n: hello there! Chaewon, Yunjin, Ningning and Miyeon right?

You asked making sure it was there names

Chaewon: yep! I'm glad you remember us!

Y/n: how could I forget my own cousins!

You pouted making them chuckle at your face

Jungkook: alright girls...y'all can go watch the TV I'll bring some snacks for you

He said patting your head

Y/n and the Girls: okay daddy/uncle

He went to the kitchen while the 5 of you walked to the living room

{In The Living Room}

Miyeon: woahhh your living room is so beautiful!!

She said looking around the living room and taking a sit on the couch

Y/n: thank you! *smile*

Yunjin: who is that woman?

She asked while pointing at something
All of you turned to the direction she was pointing to see a picture of your mother

Ningning: that's auntie Yana Dumbo...

Yunjin: why is the picture of my mom in your living room?

Y/n: that's not your mom! It's mine!

Yunjin: liar!

You sighed in annoyance before walking to the picture and showing her the back of it

Y/n: see? It's written Yunjin! And that's my mom's name!....wait, your name is Yunjin too!

Yunjin: ohhh! I think I understand, my mom and yours are twin sisters! But I don't know why we have the same name

Y/n: maybe just an coincidence...

Ningning: I don't think that that's a coincidence...

Y/n: let's just forget about it!

You said running to the couch and sitting on it
They just nodded in agreement and sat on the couch too

Jungkook: your snacks are here... *fake smile*

Y/n: oh thank you daddy!

Chaewon: thank you uncle!

Jungkook: I have some works to see you guys later okay? And don't do anything which is dangerous when I'm not here!

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