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????: please have mercy Mr. Jeon please *cries badly*

The guards where torturing and beating the sh!t out of him to death

Jungkook: shut the f<¢k up *beast mode*

Secretary Kim: Mr. Jeon, little miss as woken up, but the maids are not here to make her breakfast...

Jungkook: hm ok, I'm coming right away, but y'all continue to torture him to death *deep voice*

Guards: yes Mr. Jeon!

With you:

You where sitting on the bed like a lost puppy, you rubbed your eyes and yawned in tiredness

Jungkook: baby bunny you are awake? *soft*

Y/n: da- *yawn* daddy...up...up... *pout*

He chuckled at your cuteness and picked you up

You where resting your head on his well build up chest, but you saw sometimes on his chin

Y/n: daddy?

Jungkook: hm?

Y/n: why is there a red stain on your chin?

You asked innocently

Jungkook flinched at the sudden question and he looked at himself in the mirror

Jungkook pov;

F*ck sh!t! I didn't realize there was blood

End of his pov;

Jungkook: baby that's just strawberry...i was eating it and I stained myself *smile*

Y/n: *pout* you ate strawberries without me...I'm not happy! *looked away cutely*

Jungkook: aww bunny...I'll buy some for you later alr?

Y/n: really?! *look  back at him* thank youuu daddy

You yelled hugging his neck, he pecked your lips and walked to the kitchen

Jungkook: what do you wanna eat baby?

Y/n: bacon, eggs and yogurt!

Jungkook: alright kitten...

5 minutes later:

Jungkook: here baby, take...

Y/n: thank shu! *yelled cutely*

He feed you, and after finishing eating he carried you in his arms

Jungkook: now it's time for shower!

Y/n: noooooooo I don't wanna shower

Jungkook: do you want strawberries?

Y/n: ne!

Jungkook: then let me give you a bath

Y/n: *pout* finee

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