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Ahjumma: Little miss, it's time for bed time

Y/n: already?!

You whined with a pout on your face

Yunjin: aren't you happy we are going to have a sleepover!!!

Y/n: of course I am...i just always cuddle daddy

Ahjumma: little miss, Mr. Jeon is coming in 10 minutes, you have to get ready for bed

Y/n: alright... *sigh*

You got up from the couch with the girls following you and you lead them to their room

After that, you went to you and Jungkook's bedroom and laid on the bed, waiting for him

Minutes later, the bedroom door was getting unlocked, and with your tired eyes you saw Jungkook taking off is shoes and jacket

Jungkook gaze went on you to check if you were sleeping but you weren't and he came to you

Jungkook: baby you aren't sleeping yet?

He asked in a gentle voice while stroking your hair

Y/n: I was waiting for you...

He kissed your forehead

Jungkook: I'm going to take a quick shower and then we'll cuddle hm?

You nodded obediently and he went to try bathroom
After some minutes he came back (shirtless) only wearing a short (wOuLd YoU pLeAsE sToP bEiNg DiRtY mInDeD?!)

He layed beside you and cuddled you with is strong arms


the sun hit your poor face, causing you to wake up with messy hair and a grumpy face

The door opened revealing Jungkook who was now wearing a pyjama

He came to you and gently picked you up, pecking your lips softly

Jungkook: you slept well baby?

You nodded in response and he ruffled your messy hair

Jungkook: everyone is waiting for you to eat breakfast let's go, and after that you go take a shower

Y/n: okay...

You mumbled rubbing your eyes and yawning cutely

He went downstairs with you and the girls were already so eager to eat their breakfast


Ningning: Finally!!! What took you so long

Y/n: yah! Can't nobody have a peaceful sleep now?

Jungkook chuckled at you both bickering and he made you sit on a chair

Jungkook: girls eat your breakfast and we will go to the amusement park afterwards

Miyeon: yay!!!!

She yelled in excitement
Y'all finished eating breakfast, and you went to get ready to go to the amusement park


Miyeon outfit

Miyeon outfit

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