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At his office:

Jungkook entered the building with you in his arms, every workers bowed to him including the security guards, Jungkook nodded to signal them to stop bowing and he went inside the elevator which guides him to his office

He entered is office with you still in his arms and he dropped you on a comfy couch

Jungkook: baby, the foods and toys are in there, including my just wait for me...I'll be back in 5- no! 6 hours...

Y/n: 6 hours?!!! *pout* daddy that's too much!
You whined

Jungkook: I know muffin, but just be a good girl for daddy hm?

Y/n: fine! *pout angrily*

He pecked your forehead and patted your head before leaving you in his office

Time skip:

You woke up from your nap and started eating, after finishing eating you played with your toys for 10 minutes but you got bored, so you took is phone and looked at the time

Y/n: 1 pm?! Argh...3 hours more...

You played with his phone for like 20 minutes and you saw that there wasn't enough of battery

So you got up from the couch, you opened the door of his office with your tiny little hand and you went out searching for the meeting room

With Jungkook:

He was attentively listening to the meeting with a cold gaze, everyone was looking at him to see if he approved each project the workers where showing

He checked is Rolex to see the time and he saw that it was 1pm45

Jungkook pov: I hope that Y/n is okay...

He was still listening to the meeting until someone burst in

Minutes before the incident:

You where walking and running left and right when you bumped into someone and you fell on the floor

You looked up to see a female worker helping you to get up

Female worker: omo! Are you okay? She asked in a worried tone

Y/n: yes miss I'm okay! You said back with a small and cute smile

Female worker: what are you doing here Mrs. Jeon?

Y/n: I'm looking for my daddy!

Female worker: he his on a meeting you can't meet him now baby...

Y/n: *puppy eyes* unnieee could you please show me the meeting room? You pleaded hoping that she would say yes

Female worker: Josonghamnida [translation: sorry] I can't your father is very busy

Y/n: plus unnieeeeee! You said showing your puppy eyes

The female worker looked at you in hesitation but she finally agreed

You both where finally standing in front of the door and the female worker told you that she was very busy so she had to leave you alone

You nodded obediently and you burst in

Present time:

Every workers eyes widened in shock even Jungkook was shocked

He saw you running to his direction

Y/n: daddy!! Your phone don't have battery anymore...

Jungkook eyes softened and he picked you up on his lap which made the workers more surprised

Jungkook: baby you could have wait for me hm? He said in a soft and gentle voice, running his hand through your hair

The workers mouth where wide open and dumbfound that the heartless and ice cube Mr. Jeon, was soft and gentle with a small girl that he could have just kicked out but he didn't

Worker 1: M-Mr Jeon...should I send her back to her parents? The worker asked

Jungkook: *scoff* so you wanna kick out my daughter huh?

When he mentioned 'daughter' the workers were more than shocked the worker 1 quickly bowed to him and apologize

Y/n: daddy, can I stay here...I'm bored... You said in a cute voice with your pouty lips

Ngl the workers where in 'awe' when they saw where very cute so...

Jungkook agreed on letting you stay, but he told you to not disturb anybody and you nodded

Hours later:

the meeting was finally over, it was a relief for Jungkook that he wa done...he glance at your sleeping figure on his lap and he picked you up

He went in his office to pack your things and he went out...

He was about to enter is car but he was stopped by a soft and gentle voice that was similar to his dead wife

He quickly turned around to see...?




His dead wife sister...

Yana: hey Jungkook...long time no see right?

Not only that...she was holding in her arms...








Her 7 years old daughter...Yunjin... (Explanation later or tmrw)

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