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Gosh, my stomach is aching...
I looked around me and slowly realized that we got kidnapped

Great just great, I even got shot in the stomach

???: gosh Wheein you finally woke up?

I flinched when I heard a voice and slowly recognized that it was Rosé's

Wheein: OMG, are you okay?

Rosé: yeah, but I should be asking you the question

Wheein: nope not at all- now how the hell did you free yourself with these ropes???!

I yelled in disbelief

Rosé: oh it's easy, I just thought of a beautiful dress with a rope tied around it and I opened it without any hesitation

Wheein: and you are chewing a chewinggum  and doing your nails like you're at ur place the hell-

Rosé: SHHHHHH you'll wake Chimmy up

She said while checking if her nails were done

Jimin: I am already up

Me and Rosé flinched

Rosé: ya! Jimin next time don't startle us like that, I was about to have an heartattack!

Jimin: srry...but what are we going to do now?

???: first off the thing you would do is shut up

We all turned to the voice, and without getting surprised we knew it was Lee

Lee: did I not scare you guys??? Why are you all normal and not terrified

Rosé: we all knew it was you

Jimin and I: yeah!

Lee: what-wait why- the hell did you free yourself???

Rosé: don't know, ask my hands

Lee: do you think I'm stupid?!

Wheein: yeah I think so

Jimin: he is tho, you don't have to think

Lee: what the- did you guys kidnap the wrong people?

Lee asked is guards

Guard 1: no sir it's them

Lee: so they are Min Suga, Lisa Manoban and Moonbyul?

Me, Jimin and Rosé started laughing at loud

Lee: why are you guys laughing?!!! Do you think it's funny????

Jimin: h-he thought *laugh* that we were them

Rosé: he is really stupid tho

Lee: what are you guys talking about???

Wheein: I'm Moonbyul

I pretended, Jimin and Rosé looked at me in confusion and suddenly smirked knowing my plan

Rosé: I'm Lisa

Jimin: and I'm MiN sUgA

Lee: alright, then, guard, gimme the torture tools

Rosé: wait what?!! Norr! You can't! I just finished doing my nails *aussie accent*

Lee looked at her in disbelief

Lee: then we shall start with Moonbyul like we say, woman first right? *smirk*

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