Shocking revelations part 2 ⚡️

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Gwen's point of view

After that long night of passion and happy to wake up in Bens arms , I wish this moment could last forever but unfortunately fate had other ideas.

There was a loud bang followed by crackle of what sounded like electricity which shot Ben straight up: what the hell was that?!

We quickly get our clothes on and find that the tourist trap has become even more of a junkyard than before it looks completely trashed. What in the world happened here it looks like an electrical tsunami came through

We go over to the rustbucket mostly to see if it's not damaged but also because that's where Sheelane is sleeping we go in and we find her still fast asleep in the bathtub after waking her up and telling her to get a disguise on we go out and investigate what the hell has happened

It didn't us take long for us to find the culprit which was very loud and annoying creature that look like a battery that wouldn't stop laughing

It didn't us take long for us to find the culprit which was very loud and annoying creature that look like a battery that wouldn't stop laughing

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Sheelane confused: I take this isn't something you see every day on Earth

I look over to her: why do you know what that thing is

Sheelane shrugged: I haven't got the foggiest clue, I mean it looks like it controls electricity so it might be a distant relative of-

Suddenly the creature went into a vending machine and then the vending machine malfunctioned and started shooting cans of drinks at a rocket speed causing us to instantly duck and take cover.

Ben looks over to see that the creature is still laughing his head off as if all this is some sort of practical joke:  what's his deal, is he actually finding this funny?

The mayor appeared out of nowhere: it's actually got a dangerous sense of humour

The mayor seems to have a lot of information about this creature that can only mean one thing: do you know what this thing is?

The mayor answered in a dry tone no sound fear in it: megawatt some say it's a bolt of lightning come to life are they say it's a mischievous ghost

Sheelane: it's probably an alien

The mayor: an alien don't be silly that's cookie talk

Ben: well it doesn't matter what it is where did it come from and how do we stop it

The mayor: no idea how we got out it's usually wrapped up safely in it unless someone didn't mind the signs

The mayor looks out of us in suspicion, So wait this thing was in the giant ball of rubber bands and he made it into a tourist attraction who does that that is so irresponsible! The worst part is he's looking at us like this it's all our fault.

I grab the Mayers shoulders and start shaking him: oh don't even try to pin the blame on us you're the one who decided to make it prison into a tourist attraction you couldn't of put it in a safe!

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