Lucky girl

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Gwen point of view

I love museums, it's just something about Knowing the stories behind each and every artefact in there and it also is amazing when the museum is based in The actual building where something historic happened it's like walking into a book that's filled with stories.

I still can't believe Ben went along with this I hate museums, so one thing that I don't like about him well I do have a couple of other things I don't like about him but I think he can grow out of some of them. Anyway apparently after the circus incident he said you needed a bit of quiet and he was I wouldn't say happy but he was okay with coming to museum.

Rojo andsheelane stayed in the rustbucket, sheelane stay partly because she needed to soak in some water Rojo stay because well... she's Rojo I mean I know I've only known her for about a week but I have a feeling she's not the museum type

attea said she wanted to come along to open her horizons to the mud ball she found herself on, not sure if it was an insult but at least he's taking an interest in our planet history

Though it's not like this museum has much to offer, I mean it's something that interests me but nothing that really speaks to the human race as a whole other than the fact that we were superstitious to the point of paranoia. The museum we're in is home to an alleged magician or a wizard if you will supposedly everything he owned was magic though it's not like the books are alive and the sorting hats on a shelf

It's mostly just speculation but it does bring in a lot of tourists even if it is just a hoax, and besides learning about magic even if it's fake you some more interesting to me I don't know why I've just always felt a connection with this ancient artwork as some might call it

I look over to Ben and he's eyeing this book in a case I woke over to him he looks miserable maybe I should make this up to him later: oh this is a surprise never thought you would take such an interest in a book

Ben chuckles: yeah I guess it is the first time I've been so interested in a book but the only thing interesting in this building no offence

It's alright, I did kind of guess this would be boring him out of his mind: it's alright are you at the next stop we can go where you wanna go

Ben smiles a bit: thanks Gwen but are you sure you it's not because I'm bored it's just after half the things we've seen... It's kind of hard to grasp the nature of the worlds true history

I'm confused by his meaning: what are you talking about?

Ben: Well... This is gonna sound ridiculous but you know how some crazy theorists say that aliens built the pyramids

Oh... Yeah he kind of has a point never really thought about it actually which is ironic since I sleep in the same bed as an alien sometimes it, I mean it makes sense to speculate that way and it's only natural you find out that aliens exist suddenly every theory and wild rumour suddenly becomes possible

It's actually a really good point: yeah I do see your point Ben but come on you can't honestly think aliens are responsible for everything extraordinary thing humanity is done... I mean that's ridiculous right?

Ben shrugged: I don't know Gwen it's just knowing what's out there amongst the stars makes everything down here seem... small

Alright all good mate, it does feel rather depressing to know that the human race is so small compared to what's out there but it doesn't mean what's on our planet is any less interesting

I tried to tell that to Ben: Ben come on it's not that bad sure we're a little behind in the ways of the rest of the universe and sure discovering that there are other life on other planets will make things back on Earth seem irrelevant. I mean humans have been to the moon

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