Stopping for repairs 🍋

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Hey guys, I figured you guys kinda deserve the lemon after a long time. This one is with  rojo and been partly because after the heartfelt moment they had the baby to feel kinda weird not to have them have a proper lemon in this chapter I hope you enjoy and remember, I'm skipping over the ultimate weapon episode

Rojo point of view

Unbelievable, stinking go from 0 to 300 mph with those rocket checked in yet. It still needs maintenance. How can such a rusty piece of junk also be a master piece of machinery

I'm referring to the rustbucket to the place where we all live video police chase with some escaped convicts and it just escalated into us saving the day, but at the cost of the rust buckets brakes and it's front or engine, which means me the only mechanic of the group has to fix it now, unless we want to go to an actual mechanic shop and explain to them. All the amazing technology on board

So with the little bit of energy, we had left in the rustbucket. We managed to pull it over into a forest area safely away from anyone else just to make sure that we don't get any unwelcome visitors. The girl has decided to go on a bit of a grocery run by that I mean they went fishing and hunting for wild berries. Hey we're feeding at least nine people we can't exactly afford all that on a budget. Meanwhile Ben stayed with me, and he's helping me out with the car repairs by that I mean he's handing me tools when I tell him to

Ben handing me a screwdriver: I still don't understand why I can't just turn into upgrade and fix it all myself

I remind him for the 20th time why he can't do that: because that's only temporary fix for 10 minutes plus we don't know if upgrade actually upgrade to the vehicle or if it will just fall apart after he's finished clinically every time you've upgraded it technology up until now you've ended up destroying it and unless you wanna find a new place to live, I recommend that we just stick with the old-fashioned way of fixing things

Ben: I guess you're right, besides, we got bigger things to worry about the budget. We're on is rapidly decreasing. I mean we had a lot when it was just me and Gwen, but now with a few other guests joining us a budget to become more tight. I just wish there was an easy and legal way of making money

Yeah, that would be nice, but if there was a way to do that, I most likely will not become a bank robber: Well I hate to break it to you, but there is at Nanas you wanna go start robbing banks we're just gonna have to figure out another way

Ben sounded rather cocky: oh, really looking out for my bank, robber choosing a better way of life

I really hate that I like him, and I really hate that he's right: what can I say hanging around you horny goody two shoes is starting to rub off on me. That being said I don't know. Maybe you should start asking for some condensation when you save people. I'm not saying money. I'm just saying like food or something.

Ben sounds like he's actually considering it: you do have a point there, I mean, it's only logical for someone to ask for something in return when they've done a good deed right... That being said it wouldn't be weird if heat blast started asking for groceries

He does have a point there I can only imagine how weird it would be for an alien asking for human products maybe that's not the best idea: okay, what about selling diamond heads diamonds they have to be worth something right?

Ben: truth be told me and Gwen did actually try that back before we met all of you. It just turned out that diamond heads diamonds are filled with flaws. I mean they look pretty, but no jewellery would buy them. I mean we could probably sell them at like a stall or something for kids, but I don't think that would be enough money to get us

Damn, well that's the downside of being a superhero I guess it doesn't really pay very well or at all: hey, we'll figure something out, it's just a matter of time I mean you've got the most powerful thing on your wrist odds are we will be able to find something do use it for to get us some money

Ben nodded: I guess you're right, is The rustbucket fixed yet?

I close the hood: yeah, it should run now still don't understand how a model of interstellar technology and yet it still breaks down

Ben shrugged: well grandpa, Max always had a soft spot for the old girl, guess he just never thought to upgrade anything else that he needed to... so... What do we wanna do now?

I rolled my eyes. I already know what he's implying. He wants to have sex with me, which, even though we've had a heart-to-heart I'm still on the fence about sleeping with him: Ben I know what you want to do and I told you I'm still on the fence about it I like you, but I am not sure about it still

Ben: okay well that's your choice, just know that James got out the other girls are probably gonna jump me when I get back~ And you're have to listen to The whole thing, and I bet that will get you horny~

Oh that cheeky little devil: fine, come on we're doing on a bed though

Ben smirked: I wouldn't have it any other way

Narrators point of view

The former bank robbery stripped off her clothes and laid them on the floor of the boat as she laid herself there, completely naked, waiting for her hero  to join her. In the embrace. He did so too, after he folded his clothes and put them on the side. it's too warm, teach other with their body heat to lock lips, once again, as their arms moved down to other sensitive places, the warrior in training grabbed his former bank robbers lovers c- cub tits and started pulling on them just enough to get her off. She liked it when he was rough with her. meanwhile rojo started massaging his manhood and getting it ready to be injected into her, which was her favourite part

rojo through her moans: oh, my God!... how are you are you so good at this? I overheard you you were pleasuring the others at 5 o'clock and they were all wiped out this morning. How do you have so much stamina!

Ben spanks as he inject himself into her, causing her immense pleasure and moaning out of control: what can I say I've had loads Of practice~

He instantly sped up his hip speed, because he knew exactly how to give the former bank robber pleasure as he continuously spank her on the ass, while giving it to her in the pussy the former bank robber mode with absolute pleasure, so much more than usual. It was because of that, however, that she was moving the water in a violent state of course, because of how fast they were rocking the boat. Neither of the two young adults noticed what what was happening outside the brush bucket it turned out. The others had returned and then noticed the rash bucket, rocking back-and-forth, and loud moaning coming from inside.

Gwen smiled s she crossed her arms: it's about time

Ben eventually reached his limit and let out his seed all over, his New lover, spreading it across the chest and her face rojo took some deep breaths as she removed some of the semen from her cheek, and licked it off of her fingers: Damn, you are good at this

Ben: oh you haven't seen anything yet come on I think the girls are outside they probably overheard everything

Rojo instantly stood up and looked out the small window in the rustbucket, where all the other girls were waving and smiling at her, knowing what she just did. There's only one thing that crossed her mind.: oh shi-

Alright, that's it for this chapter. See you next time, please leave a vote and a comment

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