Bad influence 

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Ben's point of view

This is so unfair, we get to the hotel and we try to sign in but apparently due to the fact that we're not Max Tennyson me and Gwen don't get anything that grandpa paid for. Despite the fact that everything has already been paid for so in fury we all leave the hotel I'm more angry than everyone else

Vent about my frustrations about the stupid four star hotel: that is so on unfair grampa spent a lot of money getting reservations for that hotel we put our names down as residents as well!!! So why can't we go in!

Gwen trying to calm me down: Ben I understand that you're upset I am as well and the truth is technically speaking the hotel can only give the keys to the room to the actual person that made the reservation I know it's unfair but we Gotta deal with it

attea groans in pain she's still recovering from her crush, we go over to her and doublecheck her injuries she is still bleeding quite heavily and I think she's got a broken arm then again I'm not a doctor or an alien doctor

I look over at Gwen: this is getting worse she needs a doctor

Gwen: okay but that's the problem how exactly i'll take it to a doctor without them all freaking out not to mention we don't know anything about her biology for all we know any medication they give her could kill her

This situation we're in is not helping my frustration: we got to do something she's in pain!

attea through her pain asks: Pen... Paper

I'm not sure what she means but I grab her a pen and paper she carefully write something down on the paper then she hands it back to me I think they're ingredients of something but I don't know what any of them are. I hand it over to Gwen

Gwen looks at the list: these are the exact ingredients for morphine. I think she wants us to get morphine

Okay well I don't know if that's a good idea but it's better than sitting around with looking at her when she's in pain: okay so we just go to the hospital and-

Gwen interrupted me: Ben we can't just go into hospital and ask for morphine I never going to give it to us we Gotta find something else

There's no time: we can't find another way we're just gonna have to take it from the hospital

Gwen looks at me angrily: Ben Tennyson do not tell me that you are insisting that we steal!

I don't believe she is actually not agreeing with me on this: well what other choice do we have thought you said yourself the hospital isn't gonna give it to us and our friend here needs it to live!!!

Gwen: I know that but stealing is wrong and it's not what heroes do!

My anger has reached a pinnacle point now: no heroes save lives and right now I will friend needs morphine and the only way we're going to get it is by stealing it! I won't hurt anyone I'll just go Xcellerate Zoom into the hospital and get out with a couple of bags of morphine

Gwen still a disapproving of that idea: when you're angry and annoyed go outside and cool off you're not thinking straight!

She's not listening to me she never listens to me, and my anger is not helping the situation so I take her advice not because she told me to because I feel if I don't go outside I'm gonna explode with fury.

I walk around town still pissed about my situation, everything I do is to help people and now I have to help a friend a new friend with her problem but I can't do it without breaking the hero code

That's everything I do to help people I can't even help my new friend, honestly her first day on Earth could be her last she's finally free from her people and they're really messed up code of honour and she might not live past it and it's not fair this is going to probably gonna hate me for this but I can't just let her die

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