Dr. Animo and the Mutant Ray part 2

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So I'm just gonna get this chapter over and done with because I feel I have been stuck on for far too long this is gonna be relatively quick chapter because like I said I've been stuck on this one for too long

ben point of view

to sum up what happened I broke the watch by mistake and the mad scientist got his hands on the broken piece where he then proceeded to create horrible abominations mixing my alien DNA with poor animals to create some sort of horrible abominations we were trying to find the crazy doctor we came across said one a bat'mixed with heat blast

I managed to fight it using a new combination wild mut and upgrade not the best combination but I managed to get the job done and stop the flying fire that we got to the doctors hideout he once again explained his entire evil plan about how to turn every human being into a mixture of both animals and alien DNA

birds thanks to the lack of lucky girl and the rest of the girls along with me we were able to take down the doctor before he could activate his killer weapon and retrieve what's rightfully belongs to me

with that I was able to fix my watch and everything supposed to be fine except one problem the girls were still mad that I missed with the watch so I'm out in the doghouse for a while the lads I think everything turned out okay

I write that is it for this chapter like I said it was gonna be incredibly sure because I just kept seem to find the energy to write the rest of this chapter and I've been stuck on it for too long so I decided to take a shortcut I'm sorry this upset some of you but I needed to do this if you wanted me 

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