Small problem

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Gwen point of view

Nice day at the waterpark it's just what we need, after all the craziness we've been through it's nice to experience normal. Well as normal as it gets when you're travelling with two aliens possibly a wanted criminal and a witch yeah a nice time at the waterpark is just what we all need of course our little frog princess and our gilded friend can't really join us during the daytime and rojo refuses to join in on anything so it's just me Ben and charm caster

Charm caster is having A lot of fun something tells me she hasn't had free will in a very long time, which is sad very sad the good news is we haven't heard anything about her uncle following us a season enjoying her new freedom especially when it involves me and Ben in the bedroom~

Speaking of Ben he seems to be enjoying himself I can tell because he hasn't taken his eyes off me or Charm caster which is good means that getting this bathing suit that's not quite so revealing is working just enough to get Ben attention and no one else's

Finally Ben decides to talk instead of stare: hey Gwen do you wanna go on the waterslide?

I pull off my sunglasses and look at him, I guess I could use a quick dip in the water and what better way than a waterslide: okay come on

Climb up to the waterslide was easy park now there was a bit of a queue, partly because some creepy guy was holding up the line explaining how the waterpark used to be a cornfields why is that important I wonder I do not know

finally the person in charge of the waterslide gets the creepy guy  to step aside and allows the queue to actually go down, Ben being the gentleman lets me go first.  I teach him about it but he plays it off I go down the waterslide and it is so much fun it's exhilarating to go down with these things. But behind me I heard the sound of the on the Watch don't tell me that Ben transformed in the waterslide that would be responsible and- wait I forgot one talking about

I come out of the waterslide with a splash, I get to a safe enough distance away for green matter comes shooting out of the waterslide and landing straight in my bosom. So I was right Ben did transform in the waterslide but why and why grey matter of all things

Ben looked up and realised where he lands: well that was a more comfortable landing than expected~

I do love it when he tries to flirt with me because it's adorable but right now is not the time: Ben now is not the time for flirting why did you transform into grey matter in the waterslide?

Ben is crawling into my hands: I didn't mean to go on I swear I was just going down the waterslide and then the Omnitrix started to freak out like it did back in the tourist trap but this was different the next thing I know I'm grey matter. Trust me I was more scared and excited I mean I could drowned here

He's got a point, despite being childish Ben is sometimes he wouldn't transform into grey matter in a waterpark which means something is wrong with the watch maybe it's not waterproof know that can't be right we went in on the lake once and it was completely fine maybe it's something else

Either way I need to get him out of here: okay so we're going to go back to shore and figure out what's going on before anyone Before anyone else sees you

Ben Nodded as he hides in my arms as we get to the edge of the pool and back to where we were staying I placed them on the table and dry him for the handkerchief: I still don't get it why would the Omnitrix freak out like that?

I want to give him an answer but I was just clueless as he is: I don't know Ben As a matter of fact I think you should've changed back by now

Grey matters eyes widen: oh my God you're right! There's something wrong with the watch I'm stuck as great matter!

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