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Gwen point of view

Ben is tossing and turning in asleep again, must be one of those nightmares he's been having. It's so strange ever since that fight with rojo Benz been getting nightmares on an occasion it's becoming so bad that he's beginning to lose some sleep and it takes a few extra hours to calm him down pacifically me and charm caster are "rocking him" to sleep . I mean on occasion it works like every other time but sometimes she just wakes up in the middle of the night screaming.

I tried to get him to wake up: Ben it's okay it's just a nightmare

He finally opened his eyes and his breathing heavily and sweating as well this nightmare must've been more intense than the last one: are you okay?

Ben Breathing heavily: not really what time is it

Rojo interrupting: it's 330 in the morning go back to sleep!

Honestly how can she be so heartless she's the reason he's having these nightmares to begin with technically: that alien with the squid head again

Ben: yeah it was more intense this time he said he's coming for me... I think he's going to make a big move now

attea Who is also waking up: okay I know is it gonna sound crazy but I think we should listen to Ben and get moving I was dreams like any more intense and I'm beginning to think they're not dreams at all they could be some sort of psychic connection maybe... I don't know but I don't like where this is going

Charm caster sitting up in the bed next to Ben: she's right, whoever is doing this to Ben is meaning to scare him I can feel a psychic connection it's a weak one but it's still there I think we should get moving

Rojo still furious: oh come on there's no need to overreact, he had a bad dream it happens sometimes maybe it's just his mind saying to stop sleeping around so much I want to be stuck sleeping with aliens

attea: you're just mad because you haven't got any

Rojo stood up in her fury: What was that!? Do you think I wanna do it with him absolutely no way

I stopped them for an argument to break out: okay enough, I am in agreement we should get moving the real question is where would we go that is safe

attea thought about it for a moment and pulled up a holographic map of some nearby areas: Perhaps the place you call Mount Rushmore supposedly there is an old intergalactic police base there one of the first apparently it might have some information about who we are dealing with if not maybe some weapons we can use or best of all there are still some intergalactic police officers there we can ask for help and tell them what we found

Everyone looks at each other and it seems like a really good idea not that we have many options, so without really much time all of us quickly get dressed and I get in the driving seat even though it's Ben's turn but he still shaken up from a nightmare and we drive off heading to Mount Rushmore in hopes of finding some help still though I have to wonder if there is an intergalactic police base here then why aren't there intergalactic police here as well and follow up attea said that it was one of the first beasts ever constructed does that mean just on earth or did the intergalactic police start on Earth?

Narrators point of view

(just imagine that Ben and Gwen are grown-up in this video grandpa Max isn't there either)

Heat blast melted his restraints and then unleash the flames that were hotter than hell melting The concrete beneath vilcox, then realise that this wasn't going to be an easy fight he saw the metal on his opponent that looked like it was quite literally attached into his body and the way the alien was built he was like a bodybuilder. With the floor melted it gave Ben time to escape he wasn't ready to fight this is enemy just yet

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