Framed part 1

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Gwen point of view

Waiting in a line is terrible specially when you're waiting in line for another stupid video game That you don't even want. But then does and he's been really... Okay he's been okay with the Omnitrix as of late not using it for personal gain or moaning about how he needs to be rewarded for his actions and he's offering to pay for the video game out of the money of his own allowance so I guess it's okay

Ben: Gwen i still don't know why you wanted to accompany me I know that you don't like video games and you'd much rather be at the library or something why don't you just go there I know you're probably dying from boredom standing in this line

That would be lovely and it is very considerate of Ben to say that there's only one small problem: well one thing is now we know that the Omnitrix is much more valuable than we previously thought if that squid head alien came after it it's not hard to believe that others will come to collect they do you're gonna need back up, another reason it is in case another grey matter incident happens you're gonna need someone to hide your way or did you want to be dissected by scientists another thing... And I mean this in no offence but I still wanna make sure that you're not going to use the Omnitrix for your own personal gain

Then let out a heavy sigh understandable, I did just kind of insult him but still he's got the most powerful thing in the galaxy on his rest and he's not exactly the most responsible person... He has improved since summer vacation started but I don't know I'm just afraid he might do something stupid either on purpose or accidental.

But it's Ben we're talking about even some of the other girls agree with me that he can sometimes be reckless and a little bit stupid. Speaking of the girls they're all at the rustbucket enjoying some of their own private time except Rojo who apparently hates everything and everyone

Ben: I get what you're saying, but I mean come on I'm in a nice populated area so even if I wanted to transform I couldn't go without revealing my identity which would cause any numerous problems. The grey matter incident seems to be a one off and if I remember correctly it might only be because water got on the Omnitrix but that might not be true as for the alien overlords that might want this thing if any show up I'll be able to take them and if not I'll make a retreat please Gwen trust me I'll be fine the size of the Library or bookshop is just down the road go enjoy yourself

I look slightly outside of the queue and Ben is right the bookshop is just down the road if anything happens I'll be able to hear about it instantly and race over so it might not be the worst thing in the world just to leave him alone just for a moment

I sided in defeat: okay fine but I swear if there is any trouble I'm racing back here and you are not to leave this place until I come back

Ben argued: Gwen I'm not 10 years old I'm 16 almost 17, I think I can get back to the rustbucket without causing a national disaster please trust me

Well... I guess it's okay: Alright but I swear if anything happens you will be in trouble

Ben nods As I walk away and leaving him in the line I have to admit I might be overreacting a bit of true Ben does have the most powerful gadget in the galaxy his wrist but it doesn't mean he's not responsible with it I mean at first he was... Questionable but he has grown up and grow more responsible with the Omnitrix for that I am very proud of him.

Maybe I'm just worried For the exact same reason I'm proud of him again he's got the The Galaxy's strongest gadget stuck to his wrist which both makes him a target and a danger to himself and others, I just don't wanna see him go back into a bad habit like when he was with Kevin he nearly cross the line there one that he would never be able to come back from but I am proud of him for not doing so but I still can't help but worry that Ben may fall back into his Bad habits

But I'm sure I can leave him alone for 15 minutes, he's nearly an adult I should really stop babying him he's mature enough to be trusted

15 minutes later

I was wrong I was so so wrong! Thank you not be trusted to do anything without causing mass destruction I go away for 15 minutes leaving him in a queue to get a video game and when I come back there are people screaming and running away  A rampaging alien for arms!

And how do I know that Ben because who else could turn into four arms with white and black clothing? It looks like he's been destroying the neighbourhood for a while he's throwing things in the car as he's attacking what appears to be a squat team and it shows no remorse about nearly killing a few people

All this over a video game! I knew I shouldn't of trusted them to be by self matter what happens he's always so childish! I would try and calm him down or scold him what he's doing but I can't let anyone know that i'm connected with the rampaging monster destroying the Street thankfully I don't have to because Ben like the guilty party he is makes a retreat and jumps over buildings heading in the direction of the rustbucket... Oh when I get my hands on him!

Narrators point of view

Always peaceful in the rustbucket Ben has just come back with his game and was playing peacefully enjoying the new experience, while the other members of the rag tag bunch of doing their own thing in the rush bucket each one peacefully and happily until Gwen busted in with infuriating expression making all people in the rustbucket jump out of their skins

Gwen glared at Ben: what do you have to say for yourself Ben Tennyson!?

Ben confused by his cousins behaviour: Gwen? What do you mean?

Gwen: I saw you Ben you went on a rampage in the middle of the street as four arms!

Ben raise an eyebrow and stood up looking shocked at his cousin: what no I got my game and I came straight back to the rustbucket I swear I didn't-

The frog princess backed Ben up: he's right when Ben didn't seem like he just came from a rampage he was too excited about his game, are you sure it was Ben?

Gwen frowned as she turned on the TV that was reporting on the previous rampage and it indeed did look like Ben for arms with the same clothing as Ben did when he transformed

Ben looked at the screen wide-eyed dropping his gaming system: what! That's not me I would never- I couldn't of done I mean I know I can be responsible sometimes but that's just-

Rojo to everyone surprise spoke up: hold your horses before you put the guy on trial, look at the timestamp five minutes after Ben came back from the games shop then came back to this bucket of bolts he was with us the whole time couldn't have been him

Gwen raised an eyebrow and then looked at the time that the filming was taken, and if what Rojo said was true it would've been impossible for Ben to have snuck out on the rustbucket and gone on a rampage without anyone else in the rustbucket noticing

Charm caster: yeah Rojo is right, and look that forearms doesn't have an Omnitrix icon so it couldn't have been Ben no unless he found a way to transform without the Omnitrix

Gewn mentally took a look at the evidence she had to admit it was suspicious that a rampaging four arms just happened to go on a rampage where she left her cousin standing in line for a game. But it became abundantly clear that it wasn't ben

Her expression softened as she looked to her cousin in an apologetic form: i'm sorry Ben it just looked exactly like you

Ben nor did he could understand why she would think that they were wearing the same clothes it was in the same facility where Ben was last seen by all accounts the evidence appointed to Ben: it's okay, but right now we have a bigger problem on our hands we've got a rampaging four arms running around the city and people are gonna mistake him for my four arms i'll be framed

charm caster: then we need to find this imposter and put a stop to him before he dirties Ben's name anymore

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