Chapter 5

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The air conditioner in the apartment had decided to die on me on the hottest day of the year so far. Worse, I was struggling to pull off the tape I'd used to roll up my gray shag rug.

I'd moved in my things a few days ago, but between writing my column and several long meetings with my editor, I'd barely even been in the apartment, never mind unpacking everything. Now, after an afternoon of rearranging furniture and unpacking boxes in the heat, I was sweating like I'd just run a marathon.

I'd stayed motivated by telling myself I could have a cocktail once I got everything done, because I was definitely going to need one. I didn't do well in heat-the only place I liked to get this hot and sweaty was in the bedroom.

Despite the setback with the air conditioner, I was excited about the way the apartment was coming together. I hated to admit it, but I was starting to appreciate suburban life. It was so quiet out here, and I was getting the best sleep of my life. Maybe I was just getting old and boring, but watching the little ducks splash around in the backyard pond was my new favorite hobby.

It was a great apartment, and if I could just get it all unpacked, I'd finally be settled.

There was only one way to deal with this situation if I didn't want to melt into a puddle. I stripped off my soaking-wet T-shirt and shorts, opting to unpack in my bra and panties, and splashed some cold water on my face. I dug my portable speaker out from the bottom of a box and put on my "happy" playlist. I'd never lived in my own place before, but I had a feeling I was going to like it. Especially if it meant I could hang out in my underwear listening to Bruno Mars anytime I wanted.

I looked out the window between the shades and noticed Minji's car in the driveway. I hadn't seen her since our last awkward encounter, when Jia had first realized that the random woman she'd caught straddling her dada had moved in. We'd ended the night normally enough, but I still felt uncomfortable about the whole thing. She and I had almost had a run-in the other day as I was getting in my car to meet my editor, but I'd pretended not to see her. I told myself I wasn't avoiding her; I'd just been busy and hadn't had time to make small talk.

As if on cue, Minji stepped out her front door carrying a trash bag, and I jumped away from my window, my heart racing.

Okay, so maybe I was avoiding her. But it seemed like I couldn't be around this woman without making a fool of myself, so I wasn't exactly in a rush to see her.

"Uptown Funk" came on and I grinned. This was the perfect song to make me forget all the drama with Minji. Yes, I knew it was overplayed, but I still loved it and couldn't sit still when it came on.

I was just getting into the chorus, doing my best reenactment of the music video and holding up a wooden spoon as a microphone, when I heard a voice behind me. I spun around, mid hip-thrust, and saw Minji standing in the doorway. We stared at each other for a moment as she took in the scene.

And that scene wasn't a flattering one. I was in a basic white cotton bra and a pair of neon-green boy-shorts with penguins all over them.

"Oh my God," I shouted as Minji stood gaping. I dove for my T-shirt.

"Shit. I'm sorry," she said, turning to look at the wall as I pulled my shirt on. "I didn't realize . . . The door was open." She trailed off, standing uncomfortably as I snatched up my shorts.

Seriously? This was the second time I'd had to rush to put my clothes on in front of Minji in the past week.

"It was hot, so I opened the door. I guess I forgot about it," I said, mortified and trying to ignore my flaming cheeks. I couldn't have embarrassed myself more in front of her if I'd tried.

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