Chapter 9 (M)

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I could hardly believe this was happening. After Minji had put Jia to bed, I'd sneaked back over, and it hadn't taken long for things to get hot and heavy. The anticipation had only made me want her more, and we'd hardly closed the door before clothes came flying off.

I let out a soft moan as Minji's tongue traced across my nipple. Luckily, she was as good at this as I remembered from the night of my birthday. She moved to the other breast, teasing me with her tongue as her hands slid to the waistband of my panties. I arched my back, anticipating her fingers sliding against me, but instead she moved her hand to stroke my inner thigh.

I'm going to lose it if she doesn't touch me soon.

She lifted her head from my breast, looking me in the eye as she moved her hand from my thigh to the inside of my black lace panties. She moved torturously slow before gently sliding a finger along the length of my wetness. I let out a gasp as she stroked me more firmly, tension building inside me. Minji watched me, her deep, sexy gaze boring into mine, and as she slipped two fingers deep inside me, I let out a cry of pleasure. Her fingers were touching me in all the right places, and I knew I wasn't going to last long.

And then her mouth moved lower, leaving wet, sucking kisses against my needy core until she found my clit and gave it a firm suck.

My hips almost shot off the bed at how good that felt. There was no awkward fumbling, no tentative touches. She knew exactly what she was doing, and holy hell, the woman had a talented tongue.

Within minutes, I was grinding against her, whimpering softly as her tongue traced the most delicious pattern over my hot flesh.

I moaned her name and every muscle in my body tightened, my hips rocking with the movement of her fingers inside me. Just before I was about to lose all control, she pulled her hand away. I let out a whimper, aching for more.

"Need to be inside you when you come," she murmured, placing a kiss against my inner thigh.

She moved down the bed as I tried to catch my breath, sliding my panties off before tossing them to the floor.

She rose to her knees, revealing the most absolutely perfect cock. Unable to stop myself, I sat up and reached for her, slowly stroking her length. She groaned in pleasure, and I pushed her back on the bed so I could straddle her. I moved down her body, kissing her chest, flicking my tongue across her nipples. I ran my tongue down her abs, then paused before moving it over the tip of her.

She inhaled sharply as I took her in my mouth, working my tongue over the sensitive tip. I moved my mouth slowly, taking more and more of her each time. Looking up at her, I met her eyes as I took her fully in my mouth until her cock reached the back of my throat. Her whole body tensed, and I could tell she was close.

"You're killing me," she said on a groan.

I looked up and found her propped on her elbows, watching me with a worshipful expression. I loved doing this for her, making her feel good in this way. The more I'd gotten to know her, the more I knew she didn't get many shots at pleasure like this.

Minji repositioned us so I was underneath her, then pushed my thighs apart and grabbed a condom.

The last time, she'd lain there leisurely while I rolled it onto her, but tonight was different. She made quick work of the condom and then guided herself to my center. Pressing forward, she pushed inside me. We let out a collective groan, my body shuddering with the welcome invasion.

"You feel so good." She groaned again, sliding in deeper. We were both nearly there, and it wouldn't take much of a push to send us careening over the edge we were so precariously standing on. "So warm."

I arched my back so I could take her in farther, wanting to feel her fully inside me. She moved slowly, carefully at first, and it was driving me wild with desire. She pulled herself fully out for a moment and I reached for her, needing her back, needing that connection to remain unbroken. She took my arms and pinned them above my head before plunging herself into me with an almost breath-stealing momentum.


I cried out as she thrust faster and faster, rocking my hips against her, pleasure building again in my body. I was moaning loudly, lost in the moment, and she reached up to cover my mouth with her hand, which only turned me on more. I watched her move above me as heat raced through me. We were both racing toward the finish line, and I couldn't do a thing to stop it. Wrapping my legs around her waist so our bodies were intertwined as close as they could be, I finally let go, not holding anything back as my body squeezed her and we both came.

Neither of us moved as we tried to catch our breath, Minji's chest rising and falling against mine. After a minute, she turned her head toward me and kissed me before moving to lie next to me.

Leaning back in the bed, she said, "That was—"

"Worth the wait?" I asked, grinning.

"Definitely worth the wait. I don't remember you being so vocal last time."

I slapped her playfully. "You didn't seem to mind."

She grinned, slipping her arm around my shoulders.

I curled into her, laying my arm across her chest. I'd been worried about the after-sex awkwardness, but this was so comfortable that I was tempted to lie back and fall asleep.

This was so not me; usually after I finished having sex with a guy, I was out the door as fast as possible. Cuddling wasn't really my thing either, but with Minji it all seemed so natural. I closed my eyes, running my hands along her firm, muscled chest. I knew I needed to go back to my own place, so I forced myself to sit up.

"I should probably get out of here," I said, slipping out of bed and searching for my clothes.

She nodded, and I thought I saw disappointment flash across her face.

"But this was great," I added as I pulled on my shirt. "At least this time, I don't have to run out in shame."

"That is a major improvement." She grinned, pulling on a T-shirt and her boxer briefs.

We tiptoed down the stairs to her front door, careful not to wake Jia with our footsteps. I practically held my breath until I was outside—I could safely say that I never wanted her to see me in a compromising position with her dada again.

"Good night, Hanni," she said, leaning against the door frame.

She looked so good standing there that I couldn't help myself; I grabbed her shirt and pulled her in for one final kiss. Even after everything that had just happened, I still felt my skin prickling and my stomach flipped. Her tongue slipped into my mouth, and I gripped her T-shirt harder.

When she finally pulled back, I had to catch my breath. Jesus, Hanni, you just had sex. I needed to get away from her before I started pulling my clothes off again.

"Good night," I said, taking a step back.

"See you tomorrow?"

I nodded, smiling, as she gently shut the door.

I practically floated up to my apartment. Letting out a contented sigh, I lay back in my bed, mentally patting myself on the back for making the right decision.

Why had we ever hesitated to do that? Most guys I slept with didn't even know where the clit was, and the ones who did didn't know what to do with it when they found it. But Minji . . . she was something else. And some of the things she could do with her tongue should be illegal.

I was still savoring the memory when my phone buzzed.

I think we may have broken the bed.

I let out a snort. Apparently, Minji was still thinking about it as well.

That was nothing. I think you're going to need a new bed by the end of this.

I grinned to myself as I hit Send.

Totally worth it.

I smiled as I drifted off to sleep. Minji was sexy, amazing in bed, and fun to hang out with. I couldn't believe I'd thought this was going to be so complicated. Now, not only did I have a great apartment and landlord, I was living just steps away from the best sex I'd ever had.

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