Chapter 20

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I never thought I'd be the type to want a big, fluffy white dress. First, there was the expense, and second, it was just so damn impractical. Third, it was uncomfortable and obnoxious, and something you only wore once. It seemed like a complete waste.

Yet when the time came to plan our big day, a newfound part of me I'd never been acquainted with began voicing her opinions. I'd told Minji this would be a low-key affair—a simple backyard barbecue, for all I cared. But the further we got in the planning, the more specific my requests became.

Suddenly, the backyard wasn't quite enough, yet a banquet hall was too sterile; a pantsuit was something you wore to a funeral, and a sundress was too casual. She'd been sweet and accommodating of my every whim, which was how we came to be sitting in the private back room of our favorite restaurant, me in a stunning white gown that cost as much as my first car. There was a small parquet floor for dancing, and about fifty of our closest friends and family gathered around us.

And as for the white dress—you only live once, folks. In this moment, I felt like a princess, and not in a cheesy I've conformed kind of way, but in a bursting with happiness, I've finally found my Prince Charming kind of way.

I gazed across the room and saw Jia digging through the gift bag I'd left for her, chatting happily with Minji's parents and my mom.

The day had been perfect. Our ceremony was short and sweet, and now soft jazz music floated through the air as waiters circled with glasses of bubbly champagne on little silver trays. I couldn't help the smile overtaking my lips.

As Danielle and Sullyoon Danielle to their feet and moved to the front of the room, I could already smell trouble. Danielle had that familiar grin I'd come to recognize meant mischief, and Sullyoon swayed next to her, already pleasantly buzzed on champagne.

Dread filled me. What were they going to say? This was supposed to be a family-friendly event.

Danielle tapped a spoon against a glass, drawing everyone's attention.

Minji's gaze met mine, and she was smiling. God, this woman. She looked so freaking happy, so full of life. Her eyes were bright, her hair styled so neatly, and her black suit fit her perfectly. I didn't think I'd ever get used to how pretty handsome she was.

"If we could have your attention, please," Danielle said. "We'd like to say a few words to the bride's."

The crowd quieted, and all eyes were on Danielle as she straightened her shoulders, thrusting her chin out.

"First, we have to give huge props to Minji." She looked right at her as she spoke, and Sullyoon grinned conspiratorially. "For taming our commitment-phobe friend. She was only looking for someone tonight and we're so happy that she found her someone forever."

The collective aww from the crowd only marginally soothed my hot shame. There's nothing like your in-laws knowing you once enjoyed lots of no-strings sex.

"Cheers to Hanni and Minji!" Sullyoon said, and applause broke out.

Minji's hand found mine under the table, and she squeezed. "Any second thoughts?"

"Not a one," I said, meaning every word. I wouldn't let Danielle and Sullyoon's toast embarrass me. I had been afraid of commitment. But Minji had changed all that.

"Love you, baby," she murmured, leaning close.

"Love you more."

Soon, appetizers were delivered to the tables and my friends took their seats once again. Later there would be dinner and dancing, and then a special night away at a hotel suite for Minji and me while Jia stayed over with her grandparents. And next month, we'd take our honeymoon—a seven-night trip to Scotland that I'd been dreaming about for months.

But it wasn't the dress, or the party, or the honeymoon I was most excited about. It was a lifetime of being Minji's wife and Jia's mom that had my heart near bursting.

"Dada!" Jia came bouncing over to the table where Minji and I sat huddled together. "Look at what I got!" She held up the loot from her gift bag. "It's a princess coloring book."

Minji nodded, patting her shoulder. "Hanni picked all that out for you."

Her bright gaze swung over to me. "Thanks, Hanni!"

"You're very welcome. I wanted to make sure you have fun tonight too."

Minji smiled, watching our interaction. "And later when you're tired, Grandma and Grandpa will take you home, okay?"

"I'm not tired," Jia insisted. "I want to dance."

Minji and I chuckled as we watched her sashay around in her frilly party dress.

"Hanni?" Jia asked, her expression suddenly turning serious. "Since you're married to my dada now, does that mean you're my mommy?"

My stomach twisted as I glanced at Minji, hoping for some help. But she only grinned. "Um, well, I would love to be your mommy. I didn't grow you in my belly, but I love you very much, and I—"

"Okay, good," Jia said quickly. "So I can start calling you Mommy now?"

My throat tightened as tears gathered in my eyes. "Would you want to?"

"Yup!" Jia cheered.

I pulled her little body close, wrapping her in a hug, and could swear my heart swelled three sizes. "I would love that."

After that, she scampered away, leaving Minji and me to stare at each other with unshed tears. She placed her hand on my cheek, watching me with so much emotion in her eyes.

It had taken me a long time to learn what a four-year-old already knew. A mom was someone who took you to the zoo and kissed your boo-boos and made you chocolate chip cookies. Someone who spent every day making sure you were happy and loved.

Jia was right. I was her mom now.

I beamed at Minji, unable to hide my smile. "That was incredible."

She nodded. "You were made for this role." Her warm gaze stayed glued to mine, seeming to calm me and communicate you've got this all at once.

I pressed a quick kiss to her lips.

"Someone tonight huh?" she asked, recalling Danielle's words.

I rolled my eyes. "Obviously, that didn't work out."

"I'd say it worked out perfectly."

Against the backdrop of silverware clinking against glassware, I pressed my lips to Minji's again.

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