Chapter 17

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What are you two doing today?

I waited for Minji to reply as I googled fun things to do in the city. I needed to let her know how I felt, and since communication wasn't exactly my strong suit, I decided to show her instead of telling her. I was ready for all of it—the relationship, the commitment, even trying on motherhood. And what better way to show that than to plan a fun day date with her and Jia?

We're just hanging out today. What's up?

Meet me out front in thirty. I have an idea.

I grinned as I got ready, pulling on a light summer dress that was both flattering and family appropriate.

After much deliberation, I'd decided to take them to the zoo. There was a special exhibit with baby foxes that I'd been hearing about, and I thought it would be cute for Jia to see them. I knew how much she had loved seeing dinosaur skeletons, and I hoped she'd be just as excited to see animals that were still alive.

I waited out front, nervously tapping my foot, hoping I wasn't being too spontaneous by hijacking their whole day. I mentally slapped myself. Where was my confidence? The day was going to be great.

All my doubts flew from my head as Minji emerged from the house in a black T-shirt and jeans. She looked as sexy as always, and I had to resist giving her a kiss hello. Jia ran out from behind her, wearing a pink skirt with a gray T-shirt that said Pow! in big white letters.

"Cool outfit," I said, grinning. It was perfect for her.

"Thanks." She smiled, slipping on a pair of black sunglasses.

I held back a laugh, glancing at Minji. Her expressive brown eyes lit up with a smile that sent my heart spiraling.

"Hey," I said, shielding my eyes from the sun. "Thanks for going along with my spontaneity."

"We can always use some excitement." She grinned back at me.

Her eyes traced up and down my body, taking in my dress. My breath caught as her gaze paused for a moment at my breasts, which were pressing against the thin material. I felt my nipples harden and hoped she wouldn't notice. My gaze lingered on her for a few seconds before I realized Jia was looking between us.

"Okay," I said quickly, tearing my gaze from Minji. "So, are you guys ready to go on an adventure?" I started for my car when Minji shook her head and guided us to her instead.

"Car seat," she said.

Ah. Right. I guess I had a lot to learn.

I climbed in, and she opened the door to the backseat as Jia got inside.

"Where are we going?" she asked suspiciously.

"It's a surprise. But I promise it'll be fun."

Minji strapped Jia into the backseat before settling into the front.

As we got closer to the zoo, I glanced back and saw Jia leaning against the window, trying to figure out where we were. When we turned the corner, she gasped.

"Are we seeing the foxes?"

"How did you know about that exhibit?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Minji.

"Everyone knows about it," she exclaimed.

I laughed, so relieved she was excited about it that I didn't even care that the surprise was ruined.

When we entered the zoo, Jia practically sprinted off for the fox exhibit. We looked through the glass at the little foxes, their big ears sticking up.

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