Chapter 11 (M)

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I glanced out the window, looking for signs of Minji. It was a sunny day, and I was hoping she'd be outside playing with Jia or working on the yard. I hadn't seen her since the bake sale, and I couldn't seem to get her off my mind.

I'd tried meditation and yoga, but after my first downward dog, I gave up. I'd even considered going on a run before deciding I didn't need her off my mind that bad.

Something was gnawing at me, making me uneasy, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. I thought maybe if I could just see her, I would finally be able to concentrate and figure out what was up with me.

When I tried to distract myself with work, my mind kept drifting, so I decided to clean the kitchen. Usually, cleaning and organizing relaxed me, but as I wiped down the countertops, I only grew more and more anxious. I mean, we'd had a great time at the bake sale, but suddenly I was feeling like a crazy person.

I loaded the dishes into the dishwasher and picked up the bottle of detergent, realizing that I'd been staring blankly at nothing, completely zoned out for several minutes. After closing the dishwasher, I pressed Start and walked away, determined to get out of my head.

A few minutes later, I jolted . . . there were bubbles everywhere.

Fuck. I'm losing it. I took a deep breath, worried that I was no longer adorably neurotic but had become full-blown psychotic. Whatever the case, I had a kitchen full of bubbles that needed to be dealt with.

Yeah, so I'd wanted to get Minji's attention, but this wasn't the way I'd intended.

There was only one thing to do-I called Minji. She came over in a couple of minutes, looking painfully sexy in jeans and a white T-shirt that fit snugly on her muscular arms.

"Shit," she said when she walked in, setting down her toolbox. The kitchen floor was filled with bubbles and soapy water.

"I'm so sorry. I have no idea what happened." I hovered behind her as she examined the dishwasher.

She stopped it and pulled it open, checking something inside. "It's fine, just too much detergent," she said, standing back up. "How much did you put in there?"

I shrugged, not wanting to admit that I'd been so distracted by thoughts of her earlier that I may or may not have spaced and dumped half a bottle of detergent inside. "I'm so sorry for bothering you. I was just worried I'd broken it or something." I smiled apologetically, hoping she didn't think I was a total idiot who didn't even know how to use a dishwasher.

"No problem. I wasn't doing much." She ran a hand through her hair, her bicep flexing.

My breath caught, and I forced myself to look away.

"I guess I'll just clean up." I grabbed a mop and some towels. "Thanks again for your help."

"I can stick around and help out."

"Are you sure? I don't want to hijack your whole afternoon."

"You didn't hijack anything. Jia's having a play date and won't be home for another half hour."

I set aside the mop and tossed one of the towels to Minji. Scrubbing my kitchen floor on our hands and knees wasn't the physical activity I'd envisioned in my Minji-inspired fantasies.

Soon, we had the mess cleaned up, and Minji sat back on her heels to survey our work. She wiped the sweat from her forehead, her shirt lifting slightly to reveal her toned stomach. She looked like she'd walked right out of a body spray commercial.

"What?" She smirked.

Damn. I'd definitely been busted checking her out.

Before I had time to process what was happening, I was crawling across the floor to kneel in front of her. Without a word, Minji lifted my chin and pressed her mouth to mine in a searing-hot kiss. When I parted my lips in gentle invitation, her tongue slid against mine.

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