Chapter 8 (M)

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Well, fuck me. The combination of the words Hanni had just spoken and the fire smoldering in her eyes made all kinds of filthy thoughts race through my mind.

After how quickly she'd run out the other night in the middle of our smoking-hot make-out session, I'd figured that the door was closed on anything physical between us. I loved having her here, loved watching her cook tonight, and I'd spent the entire evening telling myself I was fine with things being strictly platonic.

But seeing as she just told me in no uncertain terms that she wanted to start having casual sex, clearly I was wrong. And just as clearly, I was totally and wholeheartedly on fucking board with sex of any kind with this woman. Casual, committed, tantric—I didn't care. The hard-on I'd been sporting pretty much nonstop around her was ready to take the plunge, literally.

I groaned and pushed my hands roughly through my hair. "You're killing me here. You know that, right?"

"Will you tell me what you're thinking?" Hanni rested her elbows across from me on the counter, leaning forward enough to give me the perfect view of her cleavage, causing a stirring behind my zipper.

"I'm thinking that the last thing I want to do right now is play dada and put my kid to bed," I replied, my voice low and gravelly.

"Glad you're on board," she murmured, her gaze wandering lazily over my body.

"Come over after nine tonight?" If I could have pressed her up against the wall right then and there, I would have, but the last thing we needed was Jia catching us a second time.

"Why don't you come to my place, where we know there won't be any . . . unexpected visitors," she said, moving next to me at the counter so I could feel the heat of her skin next to mine.

I groaned again and rubbed the back of my neck. "I like to be in the house while Jia's asleep. But my bedroom door has a lock, so we won't get interrupted again. I promise," I added, turning and looking deep into her eyes.

Hanni sighed and shifted her stance. I could practically see the gears working in her mind. Please don't let my daughter be the one thing that holds you back.

"All right," she said, smiling softly. "See you at nine."

Shortly after Hanni left, I called Jia inside to begin her nighttime routine. Thankfully, having Hanni over making dinner plus an extra half hour of playtime outside had sufficiently worn Jia out, so she was as sweet and docile as ever all through bath time and brushing her teeth.

Tucking Jia into her bed, I pushed her still damp hair off her forehead and gave her a kiss. "'Night, sweetie. Don't let the bedbugs bite."

"I won't, Dada." She yawned, rolling over onto her side. "Night-night."

I slowly crept out of her room, nearly shutting the door behind me. She liked to sleep with the door cracked and the hallway light on.

Walking quickly to the bathroom to freshen up, I checked the clock. Eight fifty. I still had some time to clean up the kitchen . . . and maybe brush my teeth.

After placing the dishes in the dishwasher, I wiped down the kitchen counter as fast as I could before heading back into my bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and checked my reflection in the mirror. As far as I could tell, I looked the same as always, but I pushed my fingers roughly through my hair a few times for good measure.

Why was I suddenly nervous?

Just as I was debating whether I should light a candle or two to set the mood, I heard a gentle knock on the door, and my dick was standing at attention already.

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