Chapter 18 (M)

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Today had been entirely unexpected. I would have never imagined that Hanni of all people could plan such a kid-friendly date. Watching her excitement when we strolled into the zoo and seeing Jia light up at the baby foxes—it had honestly been one of the best days in a long time.

Maybe that was crazy of me to think, but it was true. Until Hanni came into our lives, I hadn't realized quite how hungry I was for a real relationship with a woman.

Of course, it was with the same woman who had sat me down prior to our first hookup and made me promise that we'd keep this casual and had talked about avoiding developing feelings like it was a fatal disease. God, how badly I wished that she wanted the same things I did.

After the day we'd had, it didn't surprise me at all how quickly Jia went to sleep. As I crept out of her room, closing the door gently behind me, I grabbed the monitor I rarely used, planning to walk over to Hanni's place to thank her one more time and say good night.

Today had gone so smoothly, even after I admitted my feelings to her at the park the other day. I was worried that what I said might have scared her off, but after the day we had, it felt like maybe she'd just let that indiscretion go.

I knocked on Hanni's door, and within moments, she opened it, a small smile on her face. Even though we'd spent the whole day together, I couldn't help but be a little blown away by her beauty. Her hair was swept back into a loose braid, and she'd changed into a pair of yoga pants and a soft-looking T-shirt. Even in casual loungewear, she was sexy. And the way she was looking at me, with that sweet little smile and that knowing look in her eye? My heart thumped fast.

"Is Jia asleep?" she asked, stepping aside to let me in.

I held up the monitor. "I could barely keep her awake long enough to brush her teeth."

Even though I'd been to Hanni's apartment a dozen times by now, seeing what she'd done with the place still brought a smile to my face. When I'd listed this little apartment above my garage, I'd imagined some sad loner moving into it, someone who would barely be a blip on my radar except once a month to pay rent and utilities. But Hanni had breathed new life into what used to be an empty, unused space. Part of me wondered if I was still talking about the apartment, or my heart.

From her pristine kitchen tools to her killer record collection, to her smile and sex appeal, Hanni was a total and complete surprise to me. Honestly, I couldn't imagine my life without her.

"Can I get you something to drink? Water? Wine? I picked up a new bottle of red a couple days ago that I think might actually be decent, even though it was only six dollars." She walked into her kitchen and pulled out a dark bottle with a white label on it, holding it up to read the description.

"A glass of wine would be great."

I followed her into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. She set the bottle on the counter and pulled a wine opener out of one of the drawers.

"Need any help getting that bottle open?" I asked.

"The day I need someone to open my wine for me is the day I give up drinking." She scoffed, popping the cork out of the bottle with ease. "I appreciate you asking, though," she added with a grin.

After taking a couple of stemless wineglasses down from the shelf, Hanni poured us each a glass and joined me at the table. I thanked her and took the glass in my hand, very aware of our fingers brushing with the exchange.

"To independent women," I said, raising my glass into the air.

Hanni smiled, arching a playful eyebrow and cocking her head to the side. "And to the men who are secure enough to let them stay that way," she said, clinking her glass to mine.

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