Chapter 21

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"A little to the left," I told Minji, shifting my hips. "Right there! That's perfect."

She adjusted herself and continued stroking my inner thigh. "I just want you to be comfortable, baby."

Even after being married for almost a year, we were still as hot and heavy as ever. And it didn't hurt that I was nine months pregnant and my hormones were giving me the libido of a teenage boy. The problem was, we couldn't always find a position that worked for my gigantic belly. And did I mention I was having twins?

Minji moved her hand lower and stroked exactly where I wanted her. "You're so wet, baby," she whispered as I let out a moan. She moved forward, ready to position her erection up against me, when I felt a sharp stab of pain in my abdomen.

I gasped, clutching my stomach.

"What is it?" she asked, concern lacing her voice. "Is it the babies?"

The pain subsided, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's fine, just keep going," I told her.

It had taken us fifteen minutes to figure out the perfect position, and I'd be damned if I gave up on an orgasm now. Minji didn't seem convinced, so I placed a hand on her thick erection, moving my hand up and down. I shifted my hips forward, ready for her to enter me, when I was hit with another wave.

"Shit," I whispered, the wind knocked out of me from the pain.

"I think we should go to the hospital," she said, jumping up and beginning to pull her clothes on.

"I'm not due until next week," I protested, shaking my head.

She placed her hand on my cheek, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Come on, I think we should get this checked out. I don't want you in pain."

"No, I'm fine. I think it's a false alarm," I said, waving her away. "I'm just going to rest for a little."

Minji was unconvinced. Ignoring me, she pulled my overnight bag out from the closet and picked up my clothes from the floor.

"You need to put these on," she said, placing my feet through my panties and pulling them up for me. Then she grabbed her cell. Her parents had agreed to watch Jia while we were at the hospital, and were waiting on standby.

Reluctantly, I pulled on the rest of my clothes before sitting on the bed while Minji spoke to her mother. When she hung up, she grabbed the suitcase.

"I'm going to load the car while they drive over," she said, leaning over to press a kiss to the top of my head.

Throughout the pregnancy, Minji had been a bundle of nerves. Anytime I walked too fast or tripped on the sidewalk (which, unfortunately, I did a lot), she'd run over to me to make sure that the babies and I were okay. I would have thought she'd be the levelheaded one since she'd been through this before. I, on the other hand, had been surprisingly calm for the past nine months, other than my raging hormones and intense cravings for chocolate and pickles.

But suddenly, I wasn't so sure. I didn't feel ready to bring two lives into this world quite yet.

Was it too late to back out of this whole thing?

We'd found out I was pregnant a couple of months after the wedding. Shortly after, I legally adopted Jia, and when we told her about her new brothers, we were worried she'd be upset. In typical Jia fashion, she'd been mature about everything and couldn't wait to meet them. She'd already made a list of activities they could do together once the twins were old enough. And until then, she had a list of things she could do to help us. She reminded us that with two babies around, there wouldn't be as much time for the two of us to have adult snuggle-time, so she'd watch her brothers so we could still do that.

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