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Mabel's POV:
"Things change...summer ends." Dipper told me as I turned to look him in the eye and I just couldn't bear it. I ran and quickly grabbed my backpack, I could hear Dipper call after me, but I didn't dare turn back, I couldn't even look him in the eye. I just kept running and running, I fled the shack and sprinted into the forest until I was deep in there. I slumped against a tree and hugged my knees to my chest. "Only party chocolate can cheer me up now." I solemnly said to myself as I grabbed a hold of my backpack and opened it and to my dismay all I found was "Nerd books? Chewed up pens?!" I exclaimed disappointedly while I pulled out Dipper's belongings, and immediately put them back "Ugh, wrong backpack," I stated while I irritably pushed the backpack to the floor. I was overtaken by my sadness. "It's not fair, I just wish summer could last forever," I said to myself as I pulled my sweater over my knees, covered my face with it and crossed my hands over my knees.
"That might be possible," I heard a familiar voice suggest to me, "Sweater town is not accepting incoming calls right now." I stubbornly responded. "Ma-Ma-Mabel it's me."
The voice responded back, "What? Who said that?" I asked as I cautiously looked around and pulled the neck from my sweater down and slowly uncovered my face,
"I can help."
I knew I recognised that stutter. It was Blendin Blandin. He walked up to me while he fiddled with his watch until his suit returned to its original state. "The time travel guy? What are you doing here?" I curiously inquired while I buried my head lower between my shoulders.
"You said you don't want summer to end right? D-did I hear that right?" He recalled back to me, "Yeah...why are you asking?" I questioned as I looked at him suspiciously, "Look maybe it's against the rules, but you once did a favour for me so I thought I could help you out." He told me "it's called a time bubble and it prevents time from going forward. Summer in gravity falls can last as long as you want it to."
I wiped the tears from my eyes with my sleeve "R-really?" I sniffed, "but how does it work?"
"I just need you to get a little gizmo for me from your uncle. It's something small h-he won't even know it's missing." He told me as he again fiddled with his watch, this time pulling out an image of a strange looking cracked snow globe. "Huh. Maybe Dipper has something like that in his nerd bag." I said aloud to him and began to rummage around in his backpack, my hand touched something hard so I pulled it out and there it was, that strange snow globe. "Huh. That's odd. Is this it?" I checked with Blendin while I raised it up towards him, "Yes, that's it. Just hand it over and I'll do my thing." He ordered me while I gazed into the globe. "Unless you're ready to leave gravity falls." He suggested, not being able to bear the thought of going home so soon and completely entranced by this deal I said to myself, "Just a little more summer." I stood up and handed the mysterious object to him. After a second of the globe being in his hands, he intentionally dropped it to the ground, the glass completely shattering and the substance contained inside pouring onto the grass. "Oops!" He maliciously exclaimed,
"What?!" I yelled out in horror and confusion, I had no clue what was happening. He stamped his foot onto the glass again just to make sure it was well and truly broken, he then let out a heinous cackle and removed his goggles, revealing his bright yellow cat like eyes. I stood there with my jaw hitting the floor as I looked into the eyes of the demon who just deceived me. In an instant, Bill emerged from his hosts body, manically cackling like the psycho he was. Rage overtook me, and without thinking I reached out and grabbed Bill by the arm, I was shocked as I was positive I wasn't dreaming since the world around me wasn't grey like it usually is when he appears in dreams or minds, I bet that globe had something to do with that. He struggled in my grip, but I didn't dare let go of him. "What are you doing?! Let me go you can't do this!" He whined and orders at me, which only enraged me more, I grabbed a hold of his other arm and held him underneath me as I growled, filled with anger. I stared hatefully into his eye, I didn't know what I was going to do to him or do with him I just knew I was angry and he was gonna know it. He wriggled in my grip, but I didn't let him go I held onto him. Just then something strange happened, he began to turn pink, and I noticed a pink mist around my eyes as this was happening, I smiled down at my enemy, while he looked up at me in pure horror and confusion "What?! But you're a morta-"
"Shut up!" I yelled at him. I pulled him to my chest as if I was hugging him and bubbled him in a pink sphere. I then created a golden staff where I placed Bill's sphere. Just then the base of the broken snow globe shot out a blast of a blue-ish, purple-ish surge of power and shot up to the sky, creating a giant cross shaped tear in the sky with monsters emerging. "What's happening?" I turned to face bill aggressively, "uhh it's the rift shooting star." He told me fearfully.
"The rift?" I questioned not knowing what he was referring to, "yes that little snow globe, when I shattered it, it gave me and my monsters power and physical forms in gravity falls, it won't be long before they defeat you and get to your precious family." He threatened. How dare he threaten me, I'm the one who's in charge now. I raised my left hand and held it up to the sphere and sent electric shocks through to bill as he yelled out in pain. "You think you have the right to talk down to me right now?!' I yelled at him, I then stopped and put my hand down. "Stupid demon, you don't know what this little girl is capable of once you've hurt her," I smiled maliciously and raised my staff to slam it down on the ground, I suddenly had a pink king's cape around me, a crown and to top my outfit off I was wearing a Pink sweater with a gold crown stitched on it. I then used my powers to surround my body in a pink glowing mist, allowing me to fly up to the monsters causing havoc as they turned to face me, glaring at them.
"Haha oh look it's a little girl!"
"She's playing dress up how cute!"
"Let's eat her!"
They all tormented, "Enough!" I yelled, "If you haven't noticed, I have taken control of your leader!" I told them while I presented Bill in his vulnerable state. They all began to laugh at him as Bill turned away, embarrassed. "Wow, that is funny, but seriously all I get from that is that he was weak enough for a little girl to defeat him, I bet you can't defeat us." One of his freaks nastily commented back to me.
"Oh you wanna bet?" I tested them, if I was gonna take control I needed proof of my power.
"" They said, as they made direct eye contact with me, well what leader would deny her underlings requests? "Okay, you're the boss." I raised my staff and sent out electric waves that shot out at a freak show that was literally just a pair of teeth. He flew so far until he hit the barrier of gravity falls, that kept all the weirdness inside. All the monsters watched horrified and turned to look at me completely terrified. "You want another example?" I condescendingly asked them in a fake sweet voice. They all remained silent and slowly shook their heads, I chuckled, "Good, now I have an order for all of you, find me Wendy corduroy, Soos Ramirez and Dipper, Stanley and Stanford Pines, and bring them back to me. NOW!" I ordered, they immediately then scattered off to search for them.


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