Tough love

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Dipper's POV:
The doors to Mabel's office room were shoved open and all three of us were thrown on the floor, our hands all tied behind our backs. My face hit the comfy wooden floor as did Wendy and Soos. The guards propped us back up to that we were on our knees, facing Mabel's desk. And we stood up. While looking at Mabel's desk, I noticed that the chair was facing away from us, as well as two tall figures. "Thank you, you are dismissed." I heard Mabel say to the guards, who then left, shutting the doors behind them. Mabel turned her chair around to face us, she was sitting with her legs crossed and leaving on her right hand, staring lazily at us three. The two figures turned around after, revealing Great uncle Ford and Grunkle Stan, wearing some not so flattering smiles on their faces. Mabel sighed, "Get up." She ordered, but I just glared at her, refusing to submit to her will and this madness, "Mabel, dude you need to sto-," Wendy pleaded, desperately trying to reason with the madwoman, only to get interrupted, "I said STAND UP!" Mabel yelled, punctuating each syllable she yelled out with a clap. We were then all lifted to our feet against our will, Mabel clapped again and chains came out of the floor and wrapped around our feet, holding us to the floor. "Mabel what the hell! This is too far don't you see this is wrong!" I screamed at her, she furrowed her brows at me, but didn't loose her composure, "I figured you'd say something like that Dipper," Mabel told me, ending her sentence with a yawn, then leaning her head back down in the fist of her hand. "See what you stupid reality minds give you, negativity, I can fix it I can make all the bad stuff go away!" Mabel told me, sounding more delusional and energetic as she kept speaking. "Mabel there are people suffering out there, you can't brainwash the people you live, I-it's not right, deep down inside you have to know that," I tried desperately to reason with her, but her delusion didn't fade, she remained with the same huge smile on her face. "Dipper don't you get it, brainwashing or not you'd be happy. Take a look at Wendy and Soos." She gestured towards the two, who were fairly roughed up from the guards handling us so aggressively, "look at them, and look at how depressed the look now that you've caused the effects to ware off, see. This land brings hope, but reality brings despair." It was clear nothing would get through to her. "Mabel let us go NOW!" I yelled, completely loosing my composure. Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO! THIS IS MY WORLD AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE WHAT I'M TRYING TO DO-!" She yelled back, it was starting to remind me of when we bickered as toddlers. "MABEL, LIFE GETS HARD SOMETIMES, BUT THAT'S LIFE, I'M NOT ALWAYS GOING TO BE HERE TO SPEND TIME WITH YOU AND PROTECT YOU! ONE DAY WE'LL HAVE OUR OWN LIVES AND FAMILIES WE CAN'T ALWAYS BE TOGETHER 24/7!" I screamed, walking forward enough that my arms were pulling on the chains. "DIPPER!!!" She growled at me as she got up from her chair and slammed her hands down on her desk in frustration. "I'll make you understand, right after I change them back." She told me. Change them back?...she doesn't mean. "Starting with YOU!" Mabel quickly grabbed her staff and pointed it at Wendy, Pink electric waves shooting out of the sphere. I dashed in front of her, blocking the rays from striking her, then ending up striking me, not noticing how my chains had suddenly dissolved. "DIPPER!" Wendy and Soos both called out in alarm at me getting shocked, "Well you weren't my target, but I'll get to those two after." Mabel stated as she slammed down her staff, sending more waves through my body. I tried to fight it with all my will, but I fell to the ground. Almost completely defeated I heard Grunkle Stan say "How fun, he'll be just like us soon. Fixed," He said in a creepily joyous tone, that a Grunkle definitely wouldn't use if they were in their right state of mind, watching this unfold. So I fought back, I stood up and used all my power to fight. "Mabel...CUT...IT...OUT!" I let out a gut wrenching scream, sending out blue waves around me, so powerful It striked Mabel and she fell onto her back. The blue wave also destroyed the chains on Wendy and Soos and knocked Grunkle Stan and Great uncle Ford to their knees. I noticed the pink in there eye fade back to their original brown colour. "Ugh what the heck?" Grunkle Stan questioned looking up in a daze, completely in character for his first reaction of regaining consciousness. "We were just brainwashed," Great Uncle Ford said as he picked himself up. "Grunkle Stan! Great Uncle Ford!" I yelled out, running over to Grunkle Stan to help him up, "MR PINES!" Wendy and Soos called out, coming over to help him up as well. "Ugh no," I heard Mabel mutter in frustration. I walked over to her while she was laying down, completely defeated, "Mabel it's over, you lost, it's time to come to your sense and fix this mess," I told her, holding my hand out to her, to help her up. She picked her head up off the floor, scowled at me and reached out her hand to mine, before... "NO! THIS ISN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO END! AGHHHHH!" She let out a gut wrenching scream as she suddenly rose up. She was lifted into the air as the world around us turned from the glittery pink children's dream into a world of horror and nightmare, must be a drawback of using Bill Cipher as a source of your power. She was glowing completely pink and seemed to be having a complete brat attack, "I JUST WANTED TO SAVE EVERYONE!" She yelled filled with rage as everyone cowered in fear. "Right that's it it's about time for some tough love!" I responded, as I also rose up, with a blue aura surrounding me. "MABEL IT'S ABOUT TIME YOU WERE STOPPED!"

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